The gluteus charles poliquin medius muscle is a primary stabilizer of the hip and when weak has been found to correlate with low back pain, hip pain, and knee pain. If you had to lose one muscle this would not be a good one to give up. I frequently find that the gluteus medius muscle is weak in clients, irrespective of age, and aim to strengthen it along with the gluteus maximus.
Stand evenly on both legs. Now lift the right leg off of the floor just a few inches. Gravity wants to pull the right side of your pelvis down–but charles poliquin your torso doesn’t topple over like the Tower of Pisa. The left gluteus medius, on the supporting leg, pulls down on the left side of the pelvis to keep the right side up. This happens with every step we take. Issues with this important mechanism here can contribute the low back and hip problems.
On the down-side leg, the gluteus medius also pulls the thigh (and effectively the knee) outward to prevent it from collapsing towards the other leg. This is important for evenly distributing force through the knee and also to maintain proper tracking of the knee cap or patella .
Lastly, a weak gluteus medius has also been found to be related to ankle sprains. This muscle may serve to help prevent inversion sprains by preventing the body from shifting too far outward past the ankle.
One of the most effective exercises for the strengthening the gluteus charles poliquin medius is a single charles poliquin leg squat. This is an advanced exercise charles poliquin and it should be performed pain-free. (A great beginning gluteus medius exercise can be found here ).
Instructions for the single leg squat are listed in the video below. I want to emphasize that form is crucial. Poor form effectively continues the pattern of a weak gluteus medius and will not lead to progress. Also note that there is a point on the way down where the knee will fall in and/or the unsupported side of the pelvis will significantly drop. Stop before this point and come back up to get the most from the exercise.
In charles poliquin addition to the gluteus medius, the single leg squat is also a great exercise for the the quads and for gluteus maximus. The single leg squat elicits significantly more glute activity than a regular squat.
Kendall s research into gluteus charles poliquin medius weakness illustrates general weakness in healthy and LBP populations in their right gluteus medius whereas all populations have a strong left gluteus medius. Have you found this unilateral discrepancy in your own experience?
I’ve read Kendall’s correlation of right hip hike and right gluteus medius weakness with right handedness, however, I have not come across her general observation of right gluteus medius weakness compared to the left. I suppose this could be inferred based on the greater number of right handed folk, myself included. Thinking back, I suppose I find more weak right glute meds than lefts, but I can’t say I’ve been keeping talley. Perhaps it’s time to start. Thanks for the thoughts.
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