Monday, June 30, 2014

If you happen to be a conscious person fitness, you must be well aware of the importance of tractio

If you happen to be a conscious person fitness, you must be well aware of the importance of traction in the regime schema of fitness person. For those of you who are new to the concept of traction, here is some information on the chin and their role in strength training. A pull up, as its name suggests, is literally pulling up using the strength of your muscles shoulders and upper body. Pull ups are always performed on a pull up bar and designated they go a long way toward:; strengthen your shoulder muscles; biceps and triceps building, improving your grip, increasing your forearm schema strength; developing your lat or "wing" muscles and pectoral muscles; increase and improve the overall strength of your upper body. ; Pull up bars come in a variety of types. One of them happens to be a ready-to-use pull up bar with rubber suction cups at the ends. It can be mounted under your door and is mainly popular because it is very cheap and readily available. However, if you are serious about your chin, I strongly suggest (and this comes from my personal experience) that you do not fall prey to these so-called "bars application at low cost." It is always better to save an hour or two to make your own home pull up bar. This piece of exercise equipment can be much more reliable, schema efficient and just as cheap. So for those of you who are busy wondering how can I create my own pull up bar?, Do not look any further. Here's how to build a pull up bar on your own: How to Make a Pull Up Bar; It's everything you need to build a drawbar:; a tube 40 inches long plumbing, two end joints in L-shaped, two mounting brackets or plates, screws, a 1ft X 4 feet thick plank of wood; roll towel grip. ; Procedure:; First and foremost, make sure that the plumbing pipes are strong, solid and threaded on both ends. ; Fix the end of L-shaped seals at the ends of the pipe. Although threading seems the most logical thing to do, it is also advisable to bind to driving with a strong adhesive. ; Followed schema by the mounting plates. Join to the other end of the end seals in the form of L. Once again, the binding with an adhesive in addition to the thread. ; How and where you want to install your pull up bar will determine whether you need to wooden plank or not. ; If you want to mount the pull up bar on a wall, then you do not need the wooden board. In this case, you just drill a few holes in the wall and screw the plates suitable mounting. ; However, if you want to install pull up bar on your ceiling, schema it is recommended that you use a wooden plank for extra support, especially if it happens to be a wooden ceiling. ; Screw the wooden plank in the ceiling and make sure it is secure. Then screw the mounting plates in the wooden board. Make sure all screws are tight before proceeding to the next step. ; Now deploy the towel roll adhesion, apply a layer of glue on the surface of support, and wrap evenly on plumbing pipe. Let it dry for a sufficient period of time to test the pull up bar. ; Make a pull up bar home has never been easier! All it will cost is around $ 20 and a few hours of your time. Good exercise and be healthy!
2012 (427) April (66) March (123) February (119) Rack Hanging Wine Glass House Pull Up Bar - How to Build a Pull Up ... Designing a bridge - How to design a bridge Sharpening tools lathe wood fireplace inserts: Built-in gas and way ... Home Dehumidification - Dehumidifiers sou ... Church Camp Pranks: Ideas for Good Pranks to ... Indoor and outdoor Wireless Speakers Installing a Shower Bags infant sleep Very short hair: Female short hairstyles Contact Lenses theater Tops Bathroom Home Theater Projectors Engagement Rings Diamond color Installing ceramic tile: Installati ... Mini Window blinds: Vinyl and aluminum Sto ... Reviews Trimmers - Best Cup String Cleaning Home Carpet Steam Windows Blinds Faux Wood Solar Pond Pump Vs ceramic tiles. Porcelain Solar fountains and water fountain pumps solar-How constru ...

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Screenshot_2014-05-22-10-54-14.png insanity workout calendar 118.6 KB Number 1 downloads android_to

We are a community dedicated to Android and everything around it. If you are looking to get the most out of your device to customize, add features, or simply to have your questions answered.
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I have to present my first android insanity workout calendar app! I would also like to know how to make it known because it has been very little downloaded insanity workout calendar (I just forced two friends download ^ ^) The free version: The Paid version: Here is the description of the paid version: insanity workout calendar Welcome to Custom Ball Breaker HD! This game looks like a traditional brick breaking apart that you can modify it at will; can for example choose: generate-or according to his own desires the land on which we will play, the number of balls and their lives-if we want to move the bar by touching the screen or by tilting the phone-which bonus may occur and the likelihood that they appear Unlike most applications, this game requires no authorization; it has NO PUB and offers NO MICRO-TRANSACTION! So if you also think that these principles are essential, please support us by paying the application. How to Play: The goal is to destroy all the bricks with the ball. To prevent them from leaving the screen, you need to move the bar to bounce up. To guess the direction of the bounce of the ball, look at the little lines that connect the ball under the bar and the top of the bar. The ball will follow the direction of the line when it rebounds. Balls disappear if the number of lives is negative. Mode "finger" to move the bar to the left, touch the left half of the screen and vice versa. Tilt mode, just slightly tilt your device to the side you want to move the bar. The mission mode saves records in maximum points and minimum time. Levels insanity workout calendar 0 and 99 are different randomly generated insanity workout calendar levels. Try to win all levels (from 1 to 20 inclusive) to unlock the bonus level (21). The custom game mode allows you to choose the percentage chance of occurrence of each bonus by destroying the bricks. Uncheck a box is putting insanity workout calendar the percentage to zero. For level 0 (it is random), it is possible to choose approximately the number of bricks created (if the percentage is 0, there will be no brick while if the percentage is 100, all of the upper screen will be filled with bricks). List of bonus-Increase Barre (<->): Increases the size of the bar 50% (not to exceed half of the screen) Shrink-Barre (> - <): Decreases the size of the bar 40% (without becoming too small either)-Increase Balls (O) increases the size of all the balls-Shrink Balls ( ): reduces the size of all bales Exploding Ball ((X)): explodes in a ball destroying all the bricks around (and removing one life at a ball); if no more than a ball with 0 life, it will not be destroyed (so you do not risk the GAME OVER ^ ^)-Speed Balls (->): increases the speed of all balls - Balls slow (<-) decreases the rate of all balls-Ray Laser (| _ |) bar draws a large radius (after 3s) whose center is the small ball under the bar; all affected bricks lose a life-Changer rebound h (~> ~): the little ball moves horizontally below-Changer rebound v (~ ^ ~): the small ball moves vertically below New Ball (+ o) : shows an extra ball with 1 life-Multiply Balls (ox2): all balls having at least one life-split Increase lives Balls (0 + +) adds life to all bales Decrease insanity workout calendar lives Balls (0 - -): removes a life all the balls that have at least one life-Balls Reset (reset): resets all the features of the balls to their original insanity workout calendar state and teleports on the same line at the bottom of the screen-Ball thru ( XX): allows a ball during 7s through all the bricks destroying-Javelin (_ | _): The bar draws a radius end (after 3s) whose center is the small ball; all affected bricks are destroyed
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The rowing bar reverse grip is crucial for the development of the latissimus dorsi, teres major and

The rowing bar reverse grip is crucial for the development of the latissimus dorsi, teres major and middle back muscles (rhomboids workout songs and middle workout songs trapezius). No other exercise engages all the muscles as powerfully as the rowing bar taken supine when executed in total amplitude. This exercise also helps keep the shoulders back for better posture and to perform various movements decline / arms more effectively. Running Standing, holding bar with a reverse workout songs grip (palms up) and arms fully extended along the body. Lean your torso forward keeping permanently lower back slightly arched; the upper body is inclined by approximately 45 relative to the ground. Let your arms move naturally forward so that they hang vertically (this position also applies to work at Smith machine or with the T-bar). Bend your knees, just enough for balance. Inhale and hold your breath when you bring the bar to the abdomen. Keep elbows in line with shoulders so that they are close to your body when you get to the top position. Install the elbows workout songs and shoulders up, and strongly tighten workout songs the muscles of the back end of the race. Exhale while returning to the starting position. Bring the bar to the contact size or almost, elbows should be higher workout songs than the back end of the movement. Be sure to keep your back straight and observe the lumbar curve from the beginning to the end of the year. Training During the drawing boards, the body must remain stable and be all fixed time relative to the ground. Do not push the shoulders down at the time of lifting the load. Install the elbows workout songs back when you bring the bar to the stomach. workout songs Try to shoot with low lats and not with the biceps. Bending the arms must be due to the rise of the elbows and not a movement of curl. Mount the bar up until it touches the belly. When elbows are higher than the back and you will make a retraction of the shoulders, workout songs upper lats, rhomboids and trapezius means be strongly activated. Stretch your arms completely before starting the next repetition. If you start with bent arms, you will be working muscles only partially and their development will be compromised. Do not risk injury by taking excessive loads. The range of motion is actually shorter and you would have to pull the load with a jerk to overcome inertia, which could cause problems in the lumbar spine. With a reverse workout songs grip, keep your elbows close to the body during the draw. If an overhand grip is adopted, elbows tend to go outwards, which affects the development of the lower part of the back. To help keep your lower back slightly arched, lift his head slightly and bring a little forward. Never look into the ground because it tends to round the back which is then vulnerable during the rise of the load. Main muscles used
At the shoulder joint, the muscles involved are the latissimus dorsi, teres major and posterior deltoid (to see the anatomy of muscles click here). Latissimus dorsi form a large sheet that covers the middle and lower back. Especially the lower part that comes here; on the upper part, it comes into play at the end of the movement. Teres major muscle is a relatively small, housed along the latissimus dorsi and ensuring workout songs the same action as the latter. The deltoid muscle is located posterior to the back of the shoulder part in a pulling. At the shoulder girdle muscles are activated mainly rhomboid and trapezium. Large, diamond-shaped, this muscle arises workout songs from the base of the head; it goes up to the 12th thoracic vertebra and ends on both ends of the scapula. the rhomboid lies beneath the trapezius, middle back.
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle {color:

To enrich the first article on drag and drop and insert the movie I chose to develop an Android notification gunners bar style (ie that can be drawn down and then up).
To start draw a red rectangle with a yellow stripe to view part "pull": Rectangle {color: gunners "red" width: 800 height: 300 origineY gunners real property: gunners (-height) +40 y: origineY x 0 Rectangle { color: "yellow" width: parent.width height: 40 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom}}
MouseArea {anchors.fill: Parent: drag.axis Parent: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: origineY drag.maximumY: 0 onReleased: {if (parent.y <origineY +150) = parent.y origineY else parent. y = 0}}
This time component can be moved only on the Y axis, with a maximum and minimum value. Upon release of the bar, it is determined whether the bar has been drawn from more than 150 pixels, whether: the component is placed in Y = 0 so that it is fully visible, otherwise it returns to its Y component of origin, and it goes back.
Yet the transition is "brutal" and unattractive to create an animation on release and give the impression that the bar up or down, we will use the Behavior element that determines behavior gunners on a property . Here we want to interpolate different values of Y for example 200ms with a rebound gunners effect.
import QtQuick 1.0 Rectangle {color: "red" width: 800 height: 300 origineY real property: (-height) +40 y: origineY x 0 Rectangle {color: "yellow" width: parent.width height: 40 anchors.bottom : parent.bottom} {Behavior there NumberAnimation {duration: 200; easing.type "OutBounce"}} {MouseArea anchors.fill: Parent: drag.axis Parent: Drag.YAxis drag.minimumY: origineY drag.maximumY: 0 onReleased: {if (parent.y <origineY 150 ) parent.y = origineY else parent.y = 0}}}
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Friday, June 27, 2014

Sms reply will surely curb 150 character sixpackshortcuts .. So imagine a brand new tweak its propo

WWDC 2014 just ended and iOS 8 has been reported with many new features for SMS, Notification Center, iMessages, photos, keyboard ... Apple is clearly trying to remove the jailbreak iOS 8, and it is true that the question now arises: The jailbreak is still interesting and indispensable? For us the answer is yes!
If you just watched the live on or read some articles, you've probably seen quite a few iOS 8 brings new things, sometimes incorporating sixpackshortcuts ideas from the jailbreak. It is now possible to have a system QuickReply for SMS (but less efficient than BiteSMS, it seems). The keyboard has a predictive function to write faster (as PredictiveKeyboard) The code is much more open to developers, they can add widgets to the center of notifications, etc. ..
Many new ... but it does not replace tweaks such as FlipControlCenter to change the control center or Activator, VidéoPane, Slide2Kill ... We believe that the jailbreak is not dead, far from it! And we hope that the jailbreak teams will do their utmost to achieve jailbreak iOS 8 to add new features! What do you think? Note section: 20/20
6 articles on the topic Tutorial: sixpackshortcuts Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 for free with a Mac Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1: An English version of Pangu List of compatible software with tweaks jailbreak iOS 7.1 Tutorial: Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 on iPhone 5s / 5c/5/4S/4 iPod Touch and iPad Air / The mini jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 is available! iOS 7.1.1 jailbroken with a new team: Pangu
There's certainly new vulnerabilities, I think especially in the more open code developers for id touch and widgets. -------------------------------- Jailbroken Device: iPhone 5 (Global) iOS: 7.0.6 iPhoneSoft 5.1. 4
iCleaner, SwipeSelection, iFile, how to live without? Even if you feel they still do not try to get rid of the jailbreak by retreating, but by opening the system. Which is quite comforting to read.
Exact! sixpackshortcuts IPhone Jailbreak and go together! sixpackshortcuts There are so many tweaks sixpackshortcuts Funky, to enable or disable certain thing, loudness, speed .. Apple is great but the Jailbreak more! Just .. Deezer3t! Or Apex 2 Altkeyboard, activeBoard, personalization, change multitasking to return to the old, Jailbreak is not dead, just difficult sixpackshortcuts to maintain. -------------------------------- Device: iWatch (Centralized) iOS: 8.0 Beta iPhoneSoft: 6.0
Sms reply will surely curb 150 character sixpackshortcuts .. So imagine a brand new tweak its proposed 900 will:-p ihome him with a tweak to support non proposed as Samsung devices :-) Highly + brands of info ..
The jailbreak, sixpackshortcuts a crucial element in the choice of my version of IOS. So MANDATORY IOS 8 for me: P -------------------------------- sixpackshortcuts Iphone5S 32GB victor Device: iPhone 5S ( total) iOS: 7.0.6 iPhoneSoft: 5.1.4
Jailbreaking is a right to freedom! When I buy a car, a washing machine, a microwave and a TV, I have the right to do what I want with it and put what I want in it .... It is the same with my 5c iTel ...!
@ B4RNS - iPhone version I do not agree with you, every item you quoted on usage rule precise. Cars you do not legally have the right to change a piece by others who are not original (basically tuning is prohibited sixpackshortcuts under certain condition) Microwaves it is prohibited to make living in it. (Logic you tell me) Basically all these rules are not there for you, but to cover the manufacturer using their product has maliciously. Ex: a Chinese sixpackshortcuts woman put her dog in her microwave to make dry, WTF Look at the condition of your use of iBidules apple reject all responsibility if a person uses the product of the end of terrorism and / or created, 's stored documents for nuclear project?????? The freedom of others ends or the freedom of others begin. This made Apple IOS will never free. Although I too am like you, I dream of a Free IOS but there will have too derivative. Ps: I do glorifies nothing, I give my opinion. Peace
Someone knows deezer3t as impossible to find or source description on Google -------------------------------- Device: iPhone 5 (Global) iOS: 7.0.4 iPhoneSoft: 5.1.4
For quick reply when the sms appears in the top bar, and pull down the text bar will appear. When it is a i

Thursday, June 26, 2014

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The rowing torso leaning is an important year for the development of the latissimus dorsi muscle and the middle of the back, especially when you do the movement varies with elbows either inside or outside. By doing these two variants, you completely yoga pants develop the latissimus dorsi muscles as well as the posterior part of the shoulder. Execution Stand with feet wide apart about equal to the shoulders, enter a bar on the ground in front of you with hands separated by a greater than shoulder-width apart and palms facing the body. With outstretched arms, return to the vertical position by making a proper deadlift. Keeping your knees slightly bent, lean forward until your torso is parallel between about 30 above the horizontal plane, head up. The bar should hang in front of your body. This is the starting position. yoga pants Inhale and hold your breath yoga pants pulling the bar to your waist. Keep your elbows in and close to the body so they move backwards when you pull the bar up. Concentrate on pulling with the back muscles and shoulders and elbows climb as high as possible. Up, your elbows should be well above the level of your back. Make sure to contract yoga pants your extensor muscles to try to maintain a normal curvature of the spine. Hold your breath until you get to the end of the movement. Keep driving tips stable bust throughout the year. It should be all the time almost parallel, about 30 above the horizontal plane, especially during the Draw Phase. Keep your feet spaced a width equal to or slightly higher than the shoulders for stability and to be able to keep your back in the right position during execution. Closer position can lead to an unbalanced or flickering execution. Make sure your outlet is a width equal to or greater than your shoulders during the draw. This allows your elbows to move more easily over your back and provides more balance. Pull your elbows as far back as possible. The more you go, the more muscle yoga pants is requested. When you pull the bar to your waist, the lower fibers of the latissimus dorsi do most of the work. Also when you mount your shoulders back and your elbows above the level of your back, you recruit more fibers with higher average beam trapeze yoga pants and rhomboid. yoga pants Move bust during execution is potentially dangerous for the back. To help prevent injury to the lower back, constantly hold the normal curve of your spine. Fire the round back is very dangerous, especially when it is associated with a movement back. Do not use excessively heavy loads. Not only that requires you to cheat at runtime, but you decrease the range of motion, which results in poorer yoga pants muscle development. To further involve the posterior deltoid, latissimus dorsi, the rhomboids and trapezius yoga pants average beam in a full range of motion, keep your elbows outwards and pull over the bar to the chest (not the size). This is a more difficult variation and you will immediately notice the different demands on muscles. Keep your knees slightly bent for better stability and to overcome the hamstring a little stiff as is the case for most practitioners of bodybuilding and other athletes. Do this exercise with straight legs increases the tendency to round the back, which may increase the risk of injury. Main muscles used
The main muscles used are the latissimus yoga pants dorsi and teres major; yoga pants your rear delts are involved to a lesser degree. The latissimus dorsi is a large muscle that covers the sides of the middle of the lower back. Teres major muscle is a small rounded, yoga pants located along the upper part of the latissimus yoga pants dorsi. The deltoid muscle is located posterior to the back of the shoulder. The rhomboid and middle trapezius beam are also solicited. The rhomboid is a deep muscle located yoga pants under the trapeze in the middle of the back. Trapezius extends from the base of the skull to the shoulders yoga pants and ends at the bottom, about the middle of the spine. The middle part is especially sought in this exercise.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Winter 2013/2014: Secret decided to withdraw from the workforce Pandaria. This loss of motivation a

TEAM FOX Blog Archive [SC2] Secret bows.
April 2013, an unknown player scouate the channel, the mysterious name Secret. His stats are pretty tramp incredible and ladder score far exceeds our best player Moulou. Without further ado, I decided tramp to approach him and to my surprise it is inclined to join the team but warns that it does not necessarily intend to stay very long.
April 12, 2013: Secret is part of the pack. Recruited at the same time as Fury, is counting tramp on him to raise the bar in Pandaria where we are in big trouble after promotion to Division 1 Here is the link to the news which tells this recruitment. Http:// / site / two-new-fox-in-a-lineup / # more-848
Spring 2013: It's the rise in Pandaria, tramp our two new FOX strung victories which saves the last three CWs Season 7 against Brit, Pliny and NCR, allowing us to maintain such a unexpected way unexpected.
Fall 2013: With Secret Moulou and our two superstars, the team makes the D1 wins and qualified for the play-off. This is the best performance tramp ever in the history of the team, and even create the sensation almost losing narrowly against the nB) in the semifinals.
Winter 2013/2014: Secret decided to withdraw from the workforce Pandaria. This loss of motivation already augured tramp taking a distance from the actual results in our descent D2 after a disastrous season.
February 2014: 13 FOX make the trip to the Secret INSALAN which we then had the opportunity to know better. Unfortunately it does not manage to qualify for the places of honor at the LAN.
For a whole year, that player able to take us up, share its results but also by the different advice tramp he dispensed without restraint around him. His defection, even if we all expected, will create a vacuum, but we must go forward and keep our ambitions anyway. Secret is more than a gifted player, it is also someone tramp very friendly despite a legendary frank and talked some reservations about taking care of business team.
His decision was motivated by a certain weariness towards the game but also with respect to matters relating to the team. We respect and of course wish good luck to our favorite Renard cap, both in his personal life and in his career e-sports.
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Latest articles [SC2] Davbond made its debut in SC2ITL Renardeaux: A long journey to triumph! [SC2] JeremGS made its debut in A line-up! [SC2 Pandaria] End of season! Classification and statistics. [SC2] HF LAN: review the Blog Archive June 2014 (5) May 2014 (7) April 2014 (3) March 2014 (4) February 2014 (6) January 2014 (5) December 2013 (9) November 2013 (6 ) October tramp 2013 (9) September 2013 (6) August 2013 (1) July 2013 (3) June 2013 (5) May 2013 (12) April 2013 (8) March 2013 (5) February 2013 (8) January 2013 (6 ) December 2012 (9) November 2012 (7) October 2012 (11) September 2012 (4) August 2012 (1) 2012 (1) Partners

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This January 1, it was found Michel Destot schwarzenegger particularly relaxed when he went through

This January 1, it was found Michel Destot schwarzenegger particularly relaxed when he went through the studios of France 3 Alpes. Maybe he has digested his choice to step down after 19 years at the helm? or, more simply, perhaps he has lived end holiday seasons of the year? those who give a smile, even when asked to talk about the metropolis dessert! Because this is why we have invited to come by our studios to tell us about a good thing which will digest the future of Grenoble.
In 2015, it is validated, Grenoble is a city of over 400,000 people! We know it took off recruit to get there, schwarzenegger but who cares as long as there is the size! Ultimately, the enlarged Grenoble receive 10 million and more skills as the economy. This should "pull up economic development," promises the current mayor of Grenoble hope in this interview, a growth rate increase of 2 to 3% and then 3 to 4% later. We do not take him rigor of the soaring hopes by these days! This city gives so much smiling Michel Destot we wonder if more is not going to want to drive? schwarzenegger
Meanwhile, the deputy mayor has a dream in 2014, finding schwarzenegger five weeks in his schedule to attempt the ascent of Shishapangma, schwarzenegger the 14th highest peak in the world. A good workout before reaching the summit of the mountain metropolis schwarzenegger ...
Since 1982, France 3 Alpes covers news of the Isere, Savoie schwarzenegger and Haute-Savoie. Politics is part of everyday life. Every Saturday morning, schwarzenegger with the show "The Voice Is Free" schwarzenegger policy in the region also have their say. And then, there is now the blog "Politic'Alpes". Recent Posts European elections in the Northern Alps: analysis of political schwarzenegger scientist Simon Labouret The new head of the Press Club of France's Savoy Transition "urinistique" through the Europe-Ecologie urinals! And if Michel Barnier committed for regional elections? Tweet of the Tardy condemning Cope Archives May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 Categories Uncategorized policy all political blogs

Combat ignorance, prejudice, lack of thought thg and freedom. And begin with the children: thg give

Why? Expressions in this blog many and varied Expressions Expressions "animal" Expressions "personal" Expressions "culinary" Expressions Color familiar words and slang phrases and slang familiar Insults and "swear words" Glossary My photos here The Colors daily elements Marseille By shopping Gardens Grassroots History of Paris stones to write me
Combat ignorance, prejudice, lack of thought thg and freedom. And begin with the children: thg give them passions, desires, ways to build beautiful lives, other horizons. This is what allows reading, music, art, any form of creation. In a nutshell, thg what we call culture. Which should be accessible to all. This is what the CREA - a center of artistic awakening - in Aulnay-sous-Bois, a suburb not favored at all. Here's a little story heard on the radio last Thursday, when it comes to learn the meaning of effort with patience, commitment, and transcendence. And fun. My best friend, pianist, is engaged in a similar work Bondy, and hearing the girl from the beginning of the story, I thought of his students, Michael, Valerie, Simgué and others whose lives she changed.
Transcription: - So, how was this repetition here? - Then we begin to get used to because it's been several times that we are on tour (1), so we have done for several times. But it's ... it's great fun to be in that place. It's ... it's huge. We ... We stayed thg at Châtelet (2), but ... it is very small, not mine (3)! Here is bigger. So the principle of Didier and CREA is that it takes the children on motivation. Me, I'm here since I was 12, something like that. Now, I'll have 20. I ... I discovered the trick (4), I came to rehearsals several times. So he saw that I was there, thg I was there, and I had this ... Well, I saw that it was my dream, that was what I wanted to do. I was not singing, I had to dance, he takes us as we are and it takes us ... as he can, you know. If ... if you had to say one thing is that he listens to children, it really has confidence in us, then that is ... that ... I think it is much to be saved but (5) in our adolescence by Didier because someone was listening thg to us, whatever that takes our artistic proposals, even life group really seriously, who has confidence in us, who told us: "So you, you'll make it , you, you're gonna do a solo dance or you'll do a somersault (6) in the air, "you do not believe you for a second and in fact, it will take you there. Working on the repertoire of my childhood, finally ... the American musical. I always wanted to sing it on stage! West Side Story anyway! So here it is ... Well, I have ... I have a dance solo on Maria, the ... This is ... I could not ask for more! And that is the CREA that can offer it to children and this is nowhere else, nowhere else! - You have something that gives pride of (7) culture, song, dance and theater. It is true that this is not the first image we have in the suburbs, including Paris, but we do not judge, as in other troops where, thg for example, in solos, this is something of ... very ... very important for some troops. There are ... to limit internal castings. And we is not the atmosphere thg there, it's ... to push the other to do well. We are happy when ... when someone has a solo to defend. Everyone is at the same level eventually. And that's what ... I like it. - (Didier Grojsman): It is a society where any fault ... well one is penalized everywhere, even at work, eh, by modeling (8) American structures there with medals displayed automatically (9) in some companies. Me, I put it all in the air (10) because I think ... it is the opposite to do. To get (11) in life, must (12) see the number of kids (13) pre-programmed for ... for a system where there castings, eliminations, judgment, competition and all that. Me, I'm assuming that an individual, it built in.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Recent Posts When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Accusations of law prof self-delusion get

Recent Posts When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Accusations of law prof self-delusion get fit and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Lance Armstrong: Another Civ Pro exam Creating Good Incentives in the Correctional Market When dissent rhetoric comes true Oral Argument (in Athens, GA) on Regleprudence get fit Weekend Reading: Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric and Liberal Legal Academia How to Prosecute Crimes Committed Abroad? Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Standing is easier when you're Younger The Precedent Spectrum More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, get fit can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Recent Comments Jeff Harrison on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Brad on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Morse Code for J on Accusations get fit of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Joe on When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Bass Reeves on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Hadar Aviram on When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Paul Gowder on When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Jeff Harrison on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering get fit from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Jojo on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing No, breh. on Accusations get fit of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing D. Daniel Sokol on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing CBR on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; get fit and a basic point remains missing Rick Goldstein on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Jeff Harrison on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Miriam Cherry on When dissent rhetoric comes true Archives get fit June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture get fit Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices get fit Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring get fit Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel get fit Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International get fit Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha get fit Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace Law
« Free, Downloadable Casebook for Torts | Main | "Preaching What They Don't Practice" » Thursday, August 26, 2010 What Can You Accomplish as a Lawyer? Renowned Lawyer and Legal Scholar Bruce Winick Has Died I've just received the sad news that my friend and former colleague Bruce Winick , distinguished professor of Law & Medicine at the University of Miami School of Law for some 36 years has died.  Bruce will be most remembered get fit as the co-founder, along with David Wexler of the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers School of Law, of the extraordinary scholarly and law reform enterprise known as Therapeutic Jurisprudence . TJ to its many friends, is the scholary study of how law and legal procedures influence the psychology of those who are subject to it (or practice in it), as well as the law reform project of altering the law to optimize its psychological advantages and minimize its psychological disadvantages.  get fit TJ had its intellectual problems.  get fit As Elyn Saks argued some years ago, there are all too many circumstances when the psychological consequences of legal choices are cross cutting (as for instance in forcibly medicating a person suffering severe psychosis).  S

In addition, there s a category listed in section 102(a) that does seem to fit nose jobs reasonably

Recent Posts When Is an Anti-Homelessness Ordinance Vague? Accusations of law prof self-delusion yyoga and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Lance Armstrong: Another Civ Pro exam Creating Good Incentives in the Correctional Market yyoga When dissent yyoga rhetoric comes true Oral Argument (in Athens, GA) on Regleprudence Weekend Reading: Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric and Liberal Legal Academia How to Prosecute Crimes Committed Abroad? yyoga Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance yyoga Standing is easier when you're Younger The Precedent Spectrum More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Recent Comments Jeff Harrison on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Jojo on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering yyoga from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing No, breh. on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing D. Daniel Sokol on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing CBR on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Rick Goldstein on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Jeff Harrison on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Miriam Cherry on When dissent rhetoric yyoga comes true Eric Rasmusen yyoga on The Economics of the Offside Rule Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Cullen Seltzer on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example yyoga of hiding the ball? Derek Tokaz on Anxiety and Ambition in the Trenches Christopher Faille on Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing 2L on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Jim Pfander on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February yyoga 2014 January 2014 December yyoga 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight yyoga Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional yyoga thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman yyoga Deliberation and voices Employment yyoga and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel yyoga Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information yyoga and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals yyoga Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project yyoga Tamanaha Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace Law
In addition, there s a category listed in section 102(a) that does seem to fit nose jobs reasonably well:  yyoga sculptural works.  Where artists fix their original ideas in three-dimensional form, whether via marble or clay, we have no problem calling the resulting work a sculpture.  Why should the human body be any different?  I can think of some prudential objections that I ll elaborate below in discussing fixation, but as a textual matter I don t see any basis for this distinction.
Some writers have suggested that the human body is not a "medium yyoga of expression."  This doesn't strike me as valid.  We use our bodies to express ourselves all the time in ways too numerous to list.  And artists sometimes use others' bodies to express themselves, such as where photographers use models to acheive a certain aesthetic effect. 
Nose jobs, it seems to me, may well lack originality in the majority of cases.  The point of most nose jobs is not to create a creative or distinctive look, but rather to make the patient s nose fit some preexisting (usually, smaller) archetype of what a nose should look like.  This is the antithesis yyoga of originality; it s an attempt to make the patient s nose less, not more, distinctive and original.
In the interviews I've been conducting with tattoo artists for a paper on copying norms within the industry, I can say with some confidence that the overwhelming majority of tattoo yyoga artists hav

Saturday, June 21, 2014

But no one believes that such subsidies will be eliminated entirely: As Mark (14:7) tells us, the po

Recent Posts Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Lance Armstrong: Another Civ Pro exam Creating Good Incentives in the Correctional Market When dissent rhetoric comes true Oral Argument bale (in Athens, GA) on Regleprudence Weekend Reading: Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric and Liberal Legal Academia How to Prosecute Crimes Committed Abroad? Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Standing is easier when you're Younger The Precedent Spectrum bale More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, bale can't produce" bale or a bad example of hiding the ball? SLU PLR Call for Papers: The New Civil War: State Nullification of Federal bale Law 150 Years after Appomattox Recent Comments CBR on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains bale missing Rick Goldstein on Accusations of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Jeff Harrison on Accusations bale of law prof self-delusion and mendacity; predictable cheering from the bleachers; and a basic point remains missing Miriam Cherry on When dissent rhetoric comes true Eric Rasmusen on The Economics of the Offside Rule Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Cullen Seltzer on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Derek Tokaz on Anxiety and Ambition in the Trenches Christopher Faille on Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing 2L on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Jim Pfander on Changing Law Professor: bale Job Security and Governance Howard Wasserman bale on Standing is easier when you're Younger Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Mark Buehner on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Marty Lederman on Standing is easier when you're Younger Archives bale June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando bale Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha bale Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech bale Weblogs Workplace Law
I ask this with love, as a registered Republican: When will my fellow Republicans bale stop saying silly things against paternalism? My text for this plaintive homily is Mayor Bloomberg's proposed health code amendment limiting the size of sugary soda pop servings to cups of 16 ounces or smaller. The proposal has been met with angry protests about the nanny state's intrusions into people's private choices bale . State senator Tom Davis (Republican, SC) even denounced me as Orwellian for my statement to an AP reporter stating that government had the constitutional power, despite the 14th Amendment, to enact paternalistic regulations controlling the sale of food and drugs.
I am inclined to think that denouncing Bloomberg's proposal as Orwellian is like ridiculing the Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act as a Stalinist plot or attacking "no smoking" signs in public buildings as a Maoist re-education campaign. bale Such hyper-ventilated rhetoric against ordinary regulation is making us Republicans look absurd. So long as government subsidizes healthcare costs, regulations to discourage obesity are society's self-protection, not nosy paternalism. Principled conservative will argue that these subsidies should be reduced so that insurance premiums will reflect the risk of the insured's behavior . Fair enough: I myself endorsed Candidate McCain's bale proposal to end the tax exemption for employee health benefits .
But no one believes that such subsidies will be eliminated entirely: As Mark (14:7) tells us, the poor we will always have with us, and, in the libertarian paradise envisioned by the Cato Institute and Philip Klein, there will be those who cannot afford insurance at the market-priced premium offered by insurers. We will either provide in

Friday, June 20, 2014

Recent Posts Creating Good Incentives in the Correctional Market yyoga When dissent rhetoric comes t

Recent Posts Creating Good Incentives in the Correctional Market yyoga When dissent rhetoric comes true Oral Argument (in Athens, GA) on Regleprudence Weekend yyoga Reading: Driver, Reactionary Rhetoric and Liberal Legal Academia How to Prosecute Crimes Committed Abroad? Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Standing is easier when you're Younger The Precedent Spectrum More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? SLU PLR Call for Papers: The New Civil War: State Nullification of Federal Law 150 Years after Appomattox Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Recent Comments Eric Rasmusen on The Economics of the Offside Rule Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Cullen Seltzer on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Derek Tokaz on Anxiety and Ambition in the Trenches Christopher Faille on Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks for nothing 2L on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Jim Pfander on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Howard Wasserman on Standing is easier when you're Younger Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Mark Buehner on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Marty Lederman on Standing is easier when you're Younger Anon on The Precedent Spectrum Howard Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February yyoga 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech yyoga Weblogs Workplace Law
A few years ago I sat down to write a little Green Bag-esque article where I planned yyoga to set out some proposed rules for a fantasy law professor league, yyoga based on the popular yyoga fantasy sports leagues that lots of people play and can't ever stop talking about--fantasy baseball, yyoga fantasy football, fantasy scrabble, etc. etc.  (my own fantasy scrabble team is taking a huge hit this year, and I blame it all on Edley's recent troubles , but that's something for another post.)  Sadly, I wasn't able to come up with anything satisfactory, and so I shelved the project.
Now that I've started hanging out in the blogosphere, I thought maybe I'd try to revive the idea and see if my fellow blogospherians yyoga can help fill out the details.  There are at least two major issues that must be considered: (1) what are the key stats; and (2) what constitutes a team?  On #1, citation counts, SSRN downloads, publications, conference appearances, committee assignments (weighted to reflect more onerous assignments), and teaching evaluations would be likely choices, yyoga if indeed the data on these things are available (the latter would be made a lot easier if more students yyoga would start using the rate my professor website --indeed, perhaps that website could be brought on as a sponsor).  On #2, maybe each team would consist of one public law prof, one law and econ prof, one historian, and one crit, or something like that.  I'm very open to ideas on this, and I hope you'll share them in the comments.
For stats, sticking to the public numbers, I would think you could have 1) citations in JLR, 2) number of top 20 law review placements, 3) teaching awards, 4) US News rank of current institution (the last being a bit circular, but that's legal academia yyoga for you).
I don't understand why you'd want #4, Orin, if the point is to create a fantasy team from people who might be anywhere. The individual prawf doesn't add anything yyoga to his new team by virtue of the fact that the school he

If we define an experienced lawyer as someone with more than six years in the practice of law, then

It’s the buzz word that goes hand in hand with the marketing ploy of producing “practice-ready” lawyers: experiential learning. What it means is to teach by experience, which has conceptual merit like many ideas, even if it’s become trite before it’s even been implemented. The problem, like most concepts, is that it’s easy to print the words on law school porn in bold-faced, gold-colored letters to entice and confuse young people, but a lot harder to execute in any worthwhile way.
Next week Washington s Wardman Park hotel will be invaded by 800 or so people looking for jobs as law professors, at the annual hiring conference put on by the Association of American Law Schools. Experiential learning is the buzz phrase of the moment in legal academia, as law schools deal with the latest wave of criticism that claims legal education doesn t do enough to prepare graduates to actually denise austin practice denise austin law. (Such complaints from the profession are perennial: about every 15 years or so some commission or task force issues a call to make legal education more practical, which occasions a brief interlude of chin-scratching, and then is promptly forgotten).
Let’s get something straight up front. No amount of “experiential learning” is going to make law grads “practice ready.” It may make them more ready than they would be otherwise, but hardly practice ready. It’s a gross exaggeration perpetuated by a cadre of academics who wouldn’t know practice ready if it bit them in the butt. Why? Because they are no more practice ready than their students, having never actually practiced law. Instead, they exist in an academic cocoon where they pretend denise austin among themselves that they would all be famous wealthy biglaw partners if only they weren’t lawprofs. Ah, the sacrifices they make for scholarship.
It denise austin is, of course, denise austin a wholesale lie. Some might. Most have no chance. And some, if exposed to the real world, would be revealed as frauds for their inability to argue their way out of a paper bag. That’s why they avoid lawyers and surround themselves with sycophants and academic denise austin allies, where no one ever tells them (whether denise austin because they’re afraid, too polite or similarly myopic*) they just don’t denise austin have the chops to be a lawyer.
Despite the fact that almost every law school this side of New Haven is now slathering its web site and other promotional materials with claims that it provides an impeccably practical (as well as, of course, a sophisticated theoretical) legal education to its charges, the vast majority of schools continue to put no value or indeed place what sometimes appears to be an actively negative value on hiring faculty who have actually practiced law.
That makes two independent problems denise austin with this trendy foray into experiential learning, that they grossly overstate its value and, simultaneously, persist in hiring the least qualified people to teach experiential learning since they have no experience.
The by-product of this was readily seen in the post about Mary Anne Franks , who subsequently took comfort in a sham interview surrounded by only those who wouldn’t mention her failings or lies. And yet, I fully anticipate that her vendetta against the First Amendment will produce the convictions of actual human beings, even if not the ones she wants, because of her woeful ignorance of the real world. And they let her near impressionable students, because they fear her screaming “misogynist” if anyone openly says she’s wearing denise austin no clothes.
If we define an experienced lawyer as someone with more than six years in the practice of law, then American law schools hired far more people this year with advanced denise austin degrees in the humanities denise austin and social sciences than experienced lawyers.
In sum, leaving aside whether it makes sense for law schools to dedicate denise austin more resources to attempting to produce practice-ready denise austin lawyers, it s clear that the current tenure-track hiring practices of law schools provide no evidence that law schools are in fact doing so.
Regardless of the silly hype about experiential learning producing practice ready lawyers, the warm bodies at the lectern denise austin remain as far away from the reality of law practice as law schools can get. It’s long been my view that every class should incorporate a mix of practical and theoretical learning, but to do so, the prawf must have some footing in the reality of practice or he’s just making crap up.
Kid lawyers with five years or less experience are sure they know all there is to know about the practice of law. Lawyers with more than five years experience know they don’t, and they didn’t when they were a kid lawyers who suffered the delusion that they knew it all. The people attending the annual AALS hiring conference are like stunted adolescents, never reaching that point in their career where

Thursday, June 19, 2014

This, to me, is a pretty dolphin fitness illuminating attitude.

Recent Posts How to Prosecute Crimes Committed Abroad? Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank...thanks dolphin fitness for nothing Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Standing is easier when you're Younger The Precedent Spectrum More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? SLU PLR Call for Papers: The New Civil War: State Nullification of Federal Law 150 Years after Appomattox Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Ripeness, In and After SBA List v. Driehaus dolphin fitness The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial Complex Part 1: Private Prisons Wrap-Up for "Making the Modern American Fiscal State" Recent Comments Jim Pfander on Changing Law Professor: Job Security and Governance Howard Wasserman on Standing is easier when you're Younger Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Mark Buehner on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding dolphin fitness the ball? Marty Lederman on Standing is easier when you're Younger Anon on The Precedent Spectrum Howard Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Hadar on The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial Complex Part 1: Private dolphin fitness Prisons Jojo on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Curious on More on SBA List and standing Curious on More on SBA List and standing Howard dolphin fitness Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel dolphin fitness Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship dolphin fitness in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace Law
« Jet-Lagged Thoughts About Investments in, and the Amortization dolphin fitness of, Course Preparation | Main | Justice dolphin fitness Ginsburg Unplugged » Monday, July 25, 2011 Amicus Briefs and the Academic-Judge Divide
In discussions about the supposed uselessness of legal scholarship to judges, I often ask: should law professors file more amicus briefs?   Responses are mixed, but my general impression is that judges see law professor amicus briefs as just about equally, dolphin fitness if not more, useless than their articles.
This, to me, is a pretty dolphin fitness illuminating attitude.  The usual complaints about law review articles that they are too abstract and don t grapple with legal materials like case precedent in a serious dolphin fitness way really can t be said about law professor amicus briefs, which usually do make legal arguments in a lawyerly way.  If what judges are really seeking from law professors was help in legal analysis from a group of reasonably intelligent individuals with expertise in an area and time to conduct research, then an amicus brief should answer all of those requirements. But help in legal analysis and decision-making is not what judges are really looking for.  A modern judge has lots of help on legal analysis from numerous sources like law clerks and staff attorneys, in addition to the parties dolphin fitness attorneys, with Lexis and Westlaw making research ever more easy.  The contribution that a law professor can provide on top of this is minimal.  What judges really want from law professors are convenient citations to support an outcome the judge already has in mind, but that the judge wants to attribute to an authoritative and objective source other than the judge himself.  An amicus brief provides less of the appearance of authority and objectivity than a law review article does.  Our depriving judges of one traditional source of the sheen of objectivity that is necessary to sustain the formalist myth is what really drives the complaints from those quarters.
And if I am wrong, then we have a really simple solutio

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Recent Posts More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't pro

Recent Posts More on SBA List and standing Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? SLU PLR Call for Papers: The New Civil War: State Nullification of Federal Law 150 Years after Appomattox Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Changing law professor? p90 Changing law schools? Ripeness, In and After SBA List v. Driehaus The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial Complex Part 1: Private Prisons Wrap-Up for "Making the Modern American Fiscal State" p90 Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private p90 Divide CFP Deadline: Seventh Junior Faculty Fed Courts p90 Workshop p90 The Economics of the Offside Rule An Addendum on New York Times Op-Eds and Columnists The Two Newest Faces of the Problem with the Lack of the Rule of Law - a Newborn and a 20-month Old Recent Comments Howard Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Hadar on The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial Complex Part 1: Private Prisons Jojo on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Curious on More on SBA List and standing Curious on More on SBA List and standing Howard Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing p90 Curious on More on SBA List and standing Howard Wasserman on More on SBA List and standing Curious on More on SBA List and standing Naomi Goodno on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Gregg on IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding the ball? Pamela rodriguez on Decline of Lawyers? Law schools quo vadis? Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure p90 Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation p90 and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard p90 Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review p90 Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace p90 Law
Actually, I'm not.  But there are similarities.  LawProf, the anonymous author of a blog called  Inside the Law School Scam , purports to be a mid-career, tenured professor at a top-tier law school. p90  According to  this article , which says the reporter confirmed that LawProf is who he says he is, he teaches at a well-regarded but not top-10 law school, is active in publication and service, and has taught at four law schools.  Pretty similar so far.  But I've taught at five law schools, didn't graduate from an American high school, and seem to have graduated a few years after this person.  
Also, I don't write anonymously.  (With one exception: I've written one cracking good humor piece, which I published anonymously in a journal, primarily because I wrote it mostly as a diversion p90 from more serious work and didn't want to yoke my identity to humor writing, and partly because I didn't want to feel as if I was feuding with the scholars I gently made fun of.)  LawProf says he writes anonymously because he feels he would face repercussions if he wrote under his own name, and also because he feels he can be more honest that way.  Unlike some of my online colleagues, I don't necessarily have a problem with anonymous writing (see this piece ), and I will assume that LawProf really does feel that he can write more honestly this way.  But it seems to me that tenure is a reward for showing that you will write the truth as you see it despite possible repercussions (in theory, at least; obviously, we're all human, and I'm convinced that too many scholars truckle to others for various reasons), and LawProf doesn't measure up splendidly p90 according to that standard.  Again, we're p90 all human; but he doesn't.  More important, the kind of honesty that anonymity allows can sometimes lack a deeper level of integrity: that is, it can pride itself on its brutal franknes

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Recent Posts Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hidi

Recent Posts Waiver and Forfeiture in the Court IRS: "sorry, can't produce" or a bad example of hiding superphysique the ball? SLU PLR Call for Papers: The New Civil War: State Nullification of Federal Law 150 Years after Appomattox Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Ripeness, In and After SBA List v. Driehaus The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial superphysique Complex Part 1: Private superphysique Prisons Wrap-Up for "Making the Modern American Fiscal State" superphysique Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide CFP Deadline: Seventh Junior Faculty Fed Courts Workshop The Economics of the Offside Rule An Addendum on New York Times Op-Eds and Columnists The Two Newest Faces of the Problem with the Lack of the Rule of Law - a Newborn and a 20-month Old Taxation, Civic Identity, and the Future of Consumption superphysique Taxes Recent Comments Jennifer Hendricks on The Economics of the Offside Rule SB on Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Howard Wasserman on Standing, ripeness, and SBA List Orin Kerr on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut John Bickers on Standing, ripeness, superphysique and SBA List Proffy on Redyip's return: Angsting Thread superphysique Spring 2014 edition Jennifer Hendricks on Changing law professor? Changing law schools? EFM on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Andonanon on Redyip's return: Angsting superphysique Thread Spring 2014 edition Aaron on Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Brian Clarke on Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Jojo on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Sykes Five on The Economics of the Offside Rule brad on Changing law professor? superphysique Changing law schools? dan rodriguez on Looks like President O got an early start on that coconut Archives superphysique June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish superphysique Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck superphysique Syllabi Project Tamanaha Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace Law
I'm sorry it has been a long time since I last rapped at ya .  As I mentioned in my previous post , I will focus on four class action cases before the Supreme Court this term - (1)  AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion ; (2)  Erica P. John Fund, Inc. v. Halliburton Co., No. 09-1403 ; (3)  Smith v. Bayer, 09-1205 ; (4)  Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, No. 10-277 .   Since my last post the Court has decided  Erica P. John Fund, Inc. v. Halliburton Co.  and  Smith v. Bayer , in an apparent conspiracy to ruin my vacation. Moreover, this past April the Court decided AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion .   Sometime before the end of month the Court will decide the Wal-Mart case, and there is already superphysique speculation as to how it will be decided.
I have much to say about all four cases, superphysique so I will start in chronological order and discuss AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion. superphysique  Here I want try to come at the case from a different angle, and suggest a link to the Erie doctrine.
At issue in AT&T was the enforceability of an arbitration clause that had been invalidated under state contract law, in this case California state law.  Under Section 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act ("FAA"), arbitration clauses are presumptively "valid, irrevocable, and enforceable, save upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for revocation of a contract."   The Act was passed primarily to curb judicial hostility to arbitration clauses, but Section 2 contemplates that state contract law may permissibly revoke an arbitration clause "upon such grounds superphysique as exist at law."  The big question in AT&T was when state law goes too far, in effect discriminating against arbitration clauses superphysique in contravention of the FAA's purpose.
Such superphysique an arbitration clause suggests the near-total demise of the consumer class action, as some had predicted even before AT&T, and

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Good stuff. Although, as one of my more-cynical senior colleagues argued, arguments like these could

Recent Posts Standing, muscle men ripeness, and SBA List Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Ripeness, In and After SBA List v. Driehaus The Flawed NRC Report: The Prison-Industrial Complex Part 1: Private Prisons Wrap-Up for "Making the Modern American Fiscal State" Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide CFP Deadline: Seventh Junior Faculty Fed Courts Workshop The Economics of the Offside Rule An Addendum on New York Times Op-Eds and Columnists The Two Newest muscle men Faces of the Problem with the Lack of the Rule of Law - a Newborn and a 20-month Old Taxation, Civic Identity, and the Future of Consumption Taxes Tesla Surprises with Unilateral Open Source Patents Initiative The Flawed NRC Report: Prosecutors, Plea Bargains, and Long Sentences The Citizen-Consumer and the Origins of Progressive Income Taxation muscle men A new Green Bag (Spring 2014) Recent Comments Orin Kerr on Changing muscle men law professor? Changing law schools? Howard Wasserman on Changing law professor? Changing law schools? Barry on Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide Nicholas Parrillo on American Fiscal State-Building, Crisis, and Contingency Proffy on Redyip's return: Angsting Thread Spring 2014 edition Think Like a 1L on The Economics of the Offside Rule Valerie on Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide commenter on Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide muscle men Joe on Marital Infidelity and the Public/Private Divide Naomi Goodno on The Two Newest Faces of the Problem with the Lack of the Rule of Law - a Newborn and a 20-month Old Katie on What teaching issues are you thinking about this summer? Rick Hills on What does it mean to "enjoin" teacher tenure? A plea for coherent remedies in school reform litigation Brian Ray on What does it mean to "enjoin" teacher tenure? A plea for coherent remedies in school reform litigation muscle men Ralph A. Rossum on The Lunchtime Law Quiz D.Schleicher on What does it mean to "enjoin" teacher tenure? A plea for coherent remedies in school reform litigation Archives June 2014 May 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 Categories Article Spotlight Blogging Books Civil Procedure Constitutional thoughts Corporate Criminal Law Culture Current Affairs Dan Markel Daniel Solove Dave Hoffman Deliberation and voices Employment and Labor Law Entry Level Hiring Report Erik Knutsen Ethan Leib Fernando Teson Film First Amendment Food and Drink Funky FSU Games Gender Getting a Job on the Law Teaching Market Hillel Levin Housekeeping Howard Wasserman Immigration Information and Technology Intellectual Property International Law Jay Wexler Jonathan Simon Judicial Process Kaimi Wenger Law and Politics Law Review Review Legal Theory Life of Law Schools Lipshaw Lyrissa Lidsky Matt Bodie Music Odd World oPtion$ Book Club Orly Lobel Paul Horwitz muscle men Peer-Reviewed Journals Privilege or Punish Property Religion Research Canons Retributive Damages Rick Garnett Rick Hills Scholarship in the Courts Science Sponsored Announcements Sports Steve Vladeck Syllabi Project Tamanaha muscle men Tax Teaching Law Television Things You Oughta Know if You Teach X Torts Travel Web/Tech Weblogs Workplace Law
Steve highlights the scholars' brief he filed today in Virginia v. Sebelius (which I was happy to sign on to) arguing that Virginia lacks standing to challenge PPACA's individual mandate. Also filed today was a  separate amicus brief authored by Kevin Walsh (Richmond) for himself. He argues muscle men there is no statutory federal jurisdiction under 1331 over 1) claims muscle men by a state for a declaration of the validity of its own law or 2) over claims that could not be raised in a similar enforcement action between these parties. The brief contains the arguments Kevin made in an essay (which I previously discussed ), which has been accepted in Stanford Law Review.
Good stuff. Although, as one of my more-cynical senior colleagues argued, arguments like these could work at the Court of Appeals, but will not stop SCOTUS from getting to the substantive of the mandate.
Howard -- As you know, I'm sympathetic to the no standing argument. Does your senior colleague really think the Court would reach the merits even in Virginia's case? To my mind, the argument we made in our brief is designed to ensure that, whatever the Court ultimately muscle men says on the individual mandate, it doesn't do it in Virginia's case, lest it make some really bad standing law going forward...
Howard, like you, I think we need to keep a close eye on standing, and the vital role it plays in making meaningful the case / controversy requirement. Can I count on the brief-signers to join me, when the time goes, in calling (yet again) for the overruling of Flast v. Cohen?
Rick -- I get your point, but don't muscle men you think there's a fairly muscle men significant difference between the proper scope of standing for private plaintiffs and the scope of standing muscle men for states? Whatever one thinks

This is sort of an odd question. I

« "Liberal Whateverism" in The Agnostic Age | Main | Does Anti-Bribery Law Amount to Economic Sanctions Against Developing Countries? » Friday, September 16, 2011 Questions by students for prospective prawfs
A law student I know is serving as the student member of his law school's Faculty Appointments Committee, and asked me to ask others:  "What would you like to be asked by students in an interview?  Think about this in the context of a day full of deans and professors -- what haven't you talked about by the end of the day that students should know about and factor into a hiring decision?"
This is sort of an odd question. I'd hope the student would ask not want candidates want to be asked, but about things that are important to them: the candidates thoughts on teaching, relating to students, etc.
I don't think students should have any role in the appointments process muscle core x beyond good optics, muscle core x so I think the students should let the prospective professor ask THEM questions to gain some insight into the school, on the assumption muscle core x that the candidate may wind up with several choices. I've been on several callback interviews in which I had to meet with students, and I can't recall them asking anything beyond the most mundane.
Whether muscle core x the students seemed engaged was a big consideration for me when I was on the market. Students who asked me questions along the lines of what I like most/least in law school and how that shaped my own teaching seemed the most engaged. The students who asked only whether I'd allow laptops in my class seemed less engaged --- or maybe I just thought that seemed like a pretty superficial question.
I agree, though not in the way the point was made, that students should also ask candidates if they have any questions about the student body or student life. As I said, I was concerned about student engagement when I was on the market, muscle core x and I really muscle core x appreciated those students who gave me a chance to ask them questions.
Ethan J. Leib
Rick Hills
Jennifer Bard David Han Mehrsa Baradaran Steven Morrison Victoria Schwartz Garrick Pursley David Orentlicher Nate Oman Randy Kozel Daria Roithmayr Jordan Singer Margaret Ryznar muscle core x Marc Roark Veronica Root Colin Starger Seema Mohapatra muscle core x Tamar Birckhead Gregg Macey Jonathan Witmer-Rich Frederick Vars Josh Douglas Eric J. Miller Ann Marie Marciarille Max Helveston Zoe Robinson Michael Higdon Amelia Rinehart muscle core x Babette Boliek Raja Raghunath Mark Moller Cynthia Godsoe Martin Pritikin Stewart Young Addie Rolnick Sam Bagenstos Bob Howard Nancy Leong Jeremy Sheff Redyip of Zarcon Shawn Crincoli Trey Childress Michael Teter Adam Zimmerman Kirsten Nussbaumer Ryan Scoville Lee Kovarsky Andy Spalding Franita Tolson Ozan Varol Dave Sidhu Lawrence Friedman Allan Erbsen Patrick Luff Bill Merkel Debbie Borman Ori Herstein Michael Mannheimer Daniel B. Rodriguez Ari Waldman Shima Baradaran Jill Goldenziel Mary Anne Franks Miriam Albert TJ Chiang Sergio Campos Elizabeth Dale Jake Linford Michael Helfand Ashira Ostrow David Horton Brendan Maher Emily Gold Waldman Jen Anglim muscle core x Kreder Stuart Buck Thomas E. Baker Giovanna muscle core x Shay Paul Ohm Michelle Wilde Anderson Al Brophy Lee Anne Fennell Stephen Clowney Paul Ohm Evan Criddle Michael Waterstone Chris Serkin Robin Effron Darren Rosenblum Aaron Bruhl Andrew Coan Ian Bartrum Caleb Mason Fabio Arcila Peter Appel Jeff Yates Sarah Lawsky Joseph Blocher Richard Albert John Greenman Tim Zick Jon Siegel Noah Sachs David Friedman Kurt Lash Greg Bowman Marcia Zug Amy Landers Jody Lynee Madeira Jay Wexler Miriam H. Baer Naomi Cahn John Pfaff Eugene Kontorovich Kelly Anders Marc DeGirolami Rose Cuison Villazor Mark Kende Don Braman Colin Miller Chris Lund Marcia McCormick Brian Foley Rob Vischer muscle core x Richard Esenberg Michael Cahill Susan Kuo Ken Simons Sonja West Chris Lund Chad Oldfather Michael Risch Verity Winship Marc Blitz Hadar Aviram Noah Zatz Melissa muscle core x Hart Steven Greenhouse Ben Barros David Schleicher I. Bennett Capers Katy Kuh Tim Lytton Carlton Larson Adam Levitin Helen Norton Eric E. Johnson Andy Hessick Richard Epstein Garry Jenkins Amy Barrett Jim Von der Heydt Erik Knutsen Scott Dodson Adam Winkler Rob Howse Howard Wasserman Wes Oliver Tommy Crocker Eduardo Penalver muscle core x Rob Kar Mike O'Shea Nadine Farid Eric Muller Michael Steven Green Sam Kamin Austen Parrish Zak Kramer James Grimmelmann Liz Glazer Laura Appleman Lesley Wexler Jonathan Simon Ann Bartow Mark Drumbl Stuart Green Ben Depoorter William Birdthistle Adam Gershowitz Jonah Gelbach Carissa Byrne Hessick Jack Chin Bruce Boyden Miranda Perry Fleischer Anthony D'Amato Judge Sarokin Brian Galle Jessie Hill Glenn Cohen Elaine Chiu Danielle Citron Anders Kaye Bill Patry Melissa Waters Miriam Cherry Mike Dimino Geoff Rapp Alex Long Jay Michaelson Andrew Siegel Deb Ahrens Avi Bell Alexandra Lahav Kristi Bowman Bill Araiza Brian Tamanaha muscle core x Shubha Ghosh Bobby Chesney Michael O'Hear Paul Secunda Jeff Li