As I stated in my introduction post, I recently ordered some test E off of eroids (I'll keep the source anonymous. The order has been shipped, I guess we'll see what I get) but now I'm starting to worry since I see all these negative reviews. Are there any legit sources on E-roids? How do you guys find a source that you can trust and you know is reliable? I used to always buy from my buddy but paying $100 per vial got old =/ Thanks, -JI
The hodgetwins only real reliable source that I've order from has been naps, but same as everyone else here I wouldn't buy through eroids. How long has it been since you ordered? If its overseas it might take a while. hodgetwins
The only real reliable source that I've order from has been naps, but same as everyone else here I wouldn't buy through eroids. How long has it been since you ordered? If its overseas it might take a while.
Click hodgetwins to expand... I ordered 4 days ago and it's been shipped. I'm honestly not worried about the order not getting here I'm just scared now that I realized that most of their reviews are actually sponsored and payed for. I'm worried that the gear that's going to come in will be bunk.
I ordered 4 days ago and it's been shipped. I'm honestly not worried about the order not getting here I'm just scared now that I realized that most of their reviews are actually hodgetwins sponsored and payed for. I'm worried that the gear that's going to come in will be bunk.
Jon, hodgetwins On this board you will get uncensored reviews on Labs. Look in the underground and use the search function of this site. Read then read some more, don't just read the first few pages check the current posting as well because hodgetwins things change, there is no sure thing in this game but you can better your odds with some diligent research. I would encourage you to post the Lab you bought hodgetwins from, we are an open board and together hodgetwins we protect each other not the labs.
Click to expand... I was checking hodgetwins Muta the other day, site has been in under construction for a while, don't know if they are domestic but their international page is shut down. Naps has some good stuff, gear is legit and shipping is fast too.
Jon, On this board you will get uncensored reviews on Labs. Look in the underground and use the search function of this site. Read then read some more, don't just read the first few pages check the current posting as well because things change, there is no sure thing in this game but you can better your odds with some diligent hodgetwins research. I would encourage you to post the Lab you bought from, we are an open board and together we protect each other not the labs.
Click to expand... I'll wait until the gear comes in until I post it up. I appreciate the info. As far as Muta goes, I guess the dude got into some sort of accident and isn't taking orders for a while.
honestly hodgetwins i don't think too badly of eroids so far... I feel they do have some legit sources on there... I know sources can pay the website to get better treatment, better reviews, etc... but i know outlaw does that too.... Its true they carry some shit sources on there, but there are legit ones. I imagine that outlaw has more tried and true sponsers. But Eroids is still more numerous if of less reputable sources.
Yes, there are SOME legit sources but there are many more scammers. It is extremely censored and ranking is delegated by how much the source pays Eroids. Naps is g2g and as far as I know EuroKing was a decent source but I haven't heard anything new in a while so I'm not sure where they stand currently. Big D is a selective scamming shithead and treats his customers hodgetwins like complete garbage. I haven't heard of the other sources you mentioned.
Jeez, glad I just joined this forum and saw this thread. Thanks guys - probably saved me some money, headaches and possibly my ass! I was very close to pulling the trigger on one of those.
another thing to check to see if a site isn't scamming, although a bit unconvential is alexa. Sites that have really high hit ratings are really popular and hopefully the really hodgetwins popular sites are the ones that aren't scamming people.
another thing to check to see if a site isn't scamming, although a bit unconvential is alexa. Sites that have really high hit ratings are really hodgetwins popular and hopefully the really popular sites are the ones that aren't scamming people.
Eroids has some good sources but you cannot trust the reviews by any means. If you want to test this theory just log on and post a bad review or mention that you will be using the labmax kit to test your eroids aquired UGL gear and you will be immediately removed from that site. I have gear from four different eroid sponser sites and I will be posting labmax results from them in the coming weeks. I think some of the gear will be legit and some not.
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