I don't know about all but I do KNOW from personal experience the majority of "advertisers" are paying reasonable sums for links to their companies AAS web siteI I also know for a company to be "rated" a nominal monthly fee is applied AND your charge is prorated based upon your SITE RANKING! The majority (it could very well approximate all) of "consumer comments OR rankings" which conflict with eroids rankings are either censored or removed pectoralis major in a timely fashion. Additionally consumer threads inquiring about anabolic manufactuering companies, which haven't paid for "advertising on eroids" in a monthly statement, are removed shortly thereafter (first being notified of the "advantages" to publicizing their products worthiness in eroids rankings beforehand) In my opinion it's one of the most biased, unscrupulous and opaque forms of deception and outright thievery on the "steroid pectoralis major net" today. Yea I'd stay far away! Jim
MuscleMind , May 24, 2012
I've ordered from Euro about 3 times. Besides the amps not being packed in a cushioned envelope, everything was GTG Euro has always been very helpful and very polite to me through ticket contacts. Only reason pectoralis major I don't go with him anymore, is because the 3 week shipping, which basically comes with all international .. Not his fault of course.
MANWHORE , May 25, 2012
I think eroids is manipulated in some way... im not saying it doesnt have any good sources, but some reliable/known sources arent on there... Personally i dont have a good feeling about this site and its ranking...it looks fishy as hell...but thats just my opinion... Im not saying its a total scam ( maybe it is) but i dont trust it. When something looks too good to be true...thats pectoralis major often when u get fucked. pectoralis major
mugzy said: ↑
Click to expand... evidence?
As a former part owner in an AAS lab overseas we were guite familiar with our competition especially if they owned a very popular, at that time, eroids.com website. The advertising invoice read Lixus Labs Inc, and that's no bullshit.
As a former part owner in an AAS lab overseas we were guite familiar with our competition especially if they owned a very popular, at that time, eroids.com website. pectoralis major The advertising invoice read Lixus Labs Inc, and that's no bullshit.
Some one is bound to "need" more, due to their "investigative background", no doubt, and to them I say; Sorry but, No, I didn't pectoralis major save the damn receipts or the invoices to better document the travesty in my "golden years".
Some one is bound to "need" more, due to their "investigative background", no doubt, pectoralis major and to them I say; Sorry but, No, I didn't save the damn receipts or the invoices to better document the travesty in my "golden years".
Click to expand... I asked because Meso site admin stated they were contacted by eroids to purchase the site and were explicitly told their were no ties to any supplier pectoralis major or lab. I don't believe eroids would lie about that, nor would site admin make that up. But who knows...
R.Oids , Jun 1, 2012
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