Thursday, July 17, 2014

I am sure that we meet in the gym all the things that annoy us much much. There is a guy who wears

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I am sure that we meet in the gym all the things that annoy us much much. There is a guy who wears a belt on each exercise, including kickbacks for triceps with pink dumbbells and a marathon session how many calories should i eat on the machine for the adduct. Then there's the guy who no logic there are 15 sets of biceps curls in the rack, while you are waiting impatiently to do squat. And of course, we must not forget the "Third Musketeer", a geek who needs 45 minutes to 3 sets on bench because how many calories should i eat insists on reading the newspapers and by exchanging recipes with friends during a break between sets.
You got what I mean. Sometimes we ones who practiced in commercial gyms bewilder! And while we are such idiotic behavior how many calories should i eat in the gym definitino gets on my nerves, it's nothing compared to the worst of all: those who constantly complain about the problems with the rotator cuff shoulder.
Why do their wailing so irritating? how many calories should i eat Well, the sad truth is that the vast majority of them do not even know what a rotator cuff shoulder and what is it? Let's put an end to this. I will also show you how to take advantage of the direct how many calories should i eat training of the rotator cuff shoulder! The anatomy of the shoulder
The term "side" is used to explain the complex or region, which consists of approximately 12 muscles and joints 5 (1). Regardless, the term "shoulder joint" is often used for glenohumeral joint, which is located between the humerus (upper arm) and glenoidne pit blades (Engl. glenoid fossa (cavity) how many calories should i eat of the scapula). Although the remaining four joints play an important role in the movements of the upper body, glenohumeral joint is still of paramount importance to our discussion.
Glenohumeral joint is designed to provide maximum mobility to allow the entire range of motion of the upper body. Unfortunately, this mobility comes at the expense strabilnosti. In fact, the wrist is often compared to a golf ball on a pedestal, because the surface how many calories should i eat of the humeral head three to four times higher than glenoidne pit blades. Without a glenoidnog labrum - the cartilage around the binding glenoidne pits - pits would be dangerously shallow (2).
In addition to the shallow pits, glenohumeral instability may also occur due to instability in the supportive ligaments and surrounding muscles weakness (3). With such a large potential instability, no wonder they are the bone and soft tissue of the shoulder region of one of the parts of the body that is most susceptible to injury. Fortunately, the training of the rotator cuff shoulder can significantly increase the stability of the joint.
The muscles of the rotator cuff shoulder can be easily remembered by the abbreviation SITS: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. All of these muscles originate from different parts of the blades and end at humeralnoj head, where it merged into the joint capsule glenohumeralnog to form a binder cuff around how many calories should i eat the wrist (4).
Supraspinatus first starts from the upper edge of the shoulder blade and ends at humeralnoj head (3). Assists deltoid in abduction (raising his hands to the side, as well as lateral flight) humerus, ie upper arm (especially in the first 15 of motion), how many calories should i eat although the muscle capable abduktuje humerus and without the help of deltoid (4).
Supraspinatus is of particular importance in preventing dislocation during overhead how many calories should i eat movements, such as throwing, ace, Millitary press, lateral flight and show how the partners spandex goddess doing deadlift attempt with stiff legs. This is the muscle that is most vulnerable to injuries of the muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder (3).
Second infraspinatus has the attached point on the top part of the shoulder blade and humeralnoj head. This muscle contributes to several movements of the humerus, including external how many calories should i eat rotation (think of the withdrawal of the biceps of the body, like the backhand in tennis), horizontal abduction (such as flying for the last shoulder) and extension (such as pull-ups) (3).
3rd Teres minor has the attached point slightly below the infraspinatus-on the last part of the shoulder blade and the humeralnoj head. This muscle contributes to several movements of the upper arm, including external rotation, horizontal abduction and extension. Together with infraspinatus infection, maintains how many calories should i eat stability glenohumeralnog joint (3).
4th subscapularis is the only rotator cuff shoulder muscle that goes from the front surface of the blades and is hidden behind the chest and several large muscles. With attachment on humeralnoj head, allows internal rotation, adukciju (dragging his hand closer to the body, as in crossing the cross-machine), extension and stabilization of the humerus (especially the front and lower parts glenoidne pits) (3).

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