Thursday, July 3, 2014

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Practitioners of bodybuilding and bodybuilding use the "T-bar" with a neutral grip to develop their backs. When it is done with full amplitude and pronation, this exercise develops efficiently almost all the muscles of the upper back area. The muscles involved are asked to all actions which should raise the body upward. Running Position yourself on the machine with your feet flat, either on the ground or on the support provided for this purpose. With arms fully extended, grasp the handles in neutral grip (palms facing each other), or use the plug type that allows the machine. Inhale and hold your breath pulling the bar against you, keeping your elbows close to body. Pull until your elbows are as far back as possible. Begin to exhale through the most difficult part and return to the starting position by controlling the load. Training Tips You need to work from a stable base during the pulling action. If your upper body moves, you can hurt you and you do not get the development you are looking for. Focus on the act of shooting with your back and shoulders and not with the biceps. Make sure you get as far back as possible. When your elbows move beyond the plane of the back, you apply more strongly the dorsal and the rhomboids and the middle part of the trapezius. Be careful not to pull too far back to prevent the discs facing your chest or your face. Completely straighten the arm before starting the next repetition. If you start with elbows bent, you do not fully work the muscle firm and you compromise its development. For a more intense contraction, hold the top position for one to two seconds. Do not stop down during rehearsals If the machine has a multi-position handle, also do the exercise pronated firm (palms firm down). In this case, the exercise looks a lot like a classic rowing bar. In this variant, move your elbows outwards and you apply mainly firm the upper part of the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid beam and the middle part of the trapezius and rhomboid. firm Main muscles used
The latissimus dorsi, the rhomboids, trapezius and teres major are assisted by the posterior deltoid. Latissimus dorsi covers a large part of the back. The rhomboid is a muscle which is located deep within the fibers of the lower portion of the trapezoid. Teres major muscle is a relatively small, round and located on the upper and lateral parts of the back.
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