The diagram below, known as method Albanians, it is proposed ... to take you to run 10 km. The distance is certainly ambitious but definitely doable. routine The program is divided into three phases consisting of 3 levels each.
The input level depends on the degree of personal routine training. The nice thing about this training program is that there are no constraints on the weeks of training. The author recommends that you stay at least a week on each level and move on to the next level only when you have the feeling that you would be able to continue the workout just ended.
Mon, 16 minutes of running + 1 minute of walking, routine + 13 minutes of running final
Wed, 28 minutes of running + 1 minute of walking, + 1 minute run final
As you can see the pace of this training program are very tight, so it is recommended for those who already have a good workout. Council also begin each session with at least 3 minutes of walking as heating.
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