The Walls movement in Transition is a network of friends who live in the city of Paredes, northern Portugal, which share the concern that the debilitating dependence on cheap fuel that our society and economy abs workout suffer - and that is not receiving the due attention of governments, which appear to act on the premise that cheap and abundant oil will continue for here in perpetuity - is likely to result in serious abs workout and unpredictable problems that technology can not deliver us, and that may affect very negatively our future and that of our children. Learn more on the Project menu.
At the request abs workout of friends Misarela, disclose this interesting workshop on beekeeping in colemias top bar, with the American Les Crowder, author of "Top Bar Beekeeping:. Organic Practices for Honeybee Health" We'll be there! Here is the dissemination of text:
In the Awakened Life Project are passionate about bees and figure out how to keep them as possible near their natural habitat. So with great enthusiasm that we received Les Crowder, an experienced beekeeper and author of "topbar Beekeeping" ... The Awakened Life Project are passionate about bees and figure out how to keep them as close to their natural habitat. So it is with great overenthusiastic we receive Les Crowder, an experienced beekeeper and author of "topbar Beekeeping". This is a unique opportunity for one day, to share our knowledge and experience in beekeeping with the Top Bar method. Les is an enthusiastic teacher Top bar method for beekeeping, having abs workout developed the principles of organic beekeeping, and focusing its higher priority on bee health. You can read more about why he used the top bars here. During this workshop Les will address the advantages and desvantages beekeeping "Top bar," which was developed over 35 years. Your main focus will be on the most common pitfalls abs workout encountered by beekeepers of this method, and how to avoid them. The meeting will take place between 10.00 and 17.00, abs workout with the cost of 20 uro. Includes a delicious vegetarian lunch with fresh, organic and local food. The workshop will be in English with translation whenever necessary. To book your place contact: Places are limited. Please book your place as soon as possible. After this workshop will take place during the weekend, a course abs workout of Horticulture abs workout permaculture where you can stay and participate. More in:
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Workshop "Collection and Seed Preservation"
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