Jyrki Katainen sixpack is such a thing. For yes: What should Katainen's attempt to regeringsbas called? Sexpartikoalition, sixpack, six pack, six? In radio and television news works coalition option is fine but in a newspaper headline makes it way too far. Therefore, there is the pack. There also seems to be the word that reporters and editors kinesiology stuck to it. Simple, short and powerful (with a little wink to the Government of probes mixer trained abs).
Six-pack can be used as a nickname for both a neat magparti (!), A pack of six cans and a (probable) Finnish government. I myself would like to write it just like that, six-pack. Sixpack is English.
Six-pack or sixpack - means beer, beer and more beer, nothing for me. Already thinking kinesiology of how they sit and kålkkar itself sixpack after sixpack. kinesiology Maybe that's why it takes so long to come up with something ....
Sure will be Swedish Swedish kinesiology but in this very specific case, I would like to talk about sixpack .. Katainen used after all a common kinesiology word that everyone uses on ölförpackningen ("I bought a sixpack") and it feels somewhat contrived (wrong?) That write / say six pack.
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Nina Dahlbäck is the managing editor (with afterword writing and development) on Vasabladet. She is a social scientist and has written a thesis on how politicians use vivid imagery when they communicate with journalists and voters. Therefore, she is also somewhat allergic to a certain kind of dazzling imagery. She has been a journalist for, among other things Vasabladet and Hufvudstadsbladet since the mid-1990s. In between, she has also been a teaching assistant for media education at Åbo Akademi University and worked as a language support within the Finland-Swedish project Language ear. Other then? Well, she has a penchant for nested parentheses (an annoying mannerisms, like here). Archive May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August kinesiology 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January kinesiology 2011 News Vasabladet Translator's work makes Vaasa residents satisfied Dino, Romeo and 118 to seek day care Last comments polystyrene on Yes, I'm GoogleBar Nina on Media Languages 2013 Asa Kallenberg on Media Languages 2013 Nina on its best Gunilla Stoltz on its best New Posts A good headline is an active headline Ogooglebar into the parlor Yes, I am GoogleBar The art of writing kinesiology a preamble Public disgrace Categories General Imagery Books Grammar Media Language Words Spelling Character Links Media Language Reuters squares language newspaper Svenska Dagbladet's language column Swedish Academy Glossary Other blogs Vasabladet
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