Remember a talk I had with a guy friend a few years ago. He said that "It is easier for you girls to live up to the body ideal - you need's just keep you slim, think of us guys who have to work day in and day out at the gym."
So this was a few years ago. Now, something about to happen with the female body ideal. The "hand" is no longer to be thin, now also we women have fine-tuned muscles. "Strong is the new skinny" reports goodlife fitness the t-shirt printing and hashtags in social media. Have yourself availed myself of it, but then I have more focused on the feeling of being strong rather than having a rock hard six-pack on his stomach.
Some people have naturally low body fat percentage and has the "ideal body" without having goodlife fitness to toil very much for that. Nor do I think that it is wrong to practice weight training - on the contrary. But there is a point where gymmandet and deffandet be as damaging goodlife fitness as dieting. And we should be realistic so there are very few of us mere mortals who have boxes on the stomach and visible biceps without having to work hard for it. A low percentage of body fat may cause hormonal disorders and menstrual loss in women of childbearing age. Which in turn can cause osteoporosis and other difficult things.
The thing I'm a little concerned about is that many may not understand how much work it takes to get those boxes on the stomach. A deffad body is not the same as a healthy body. It may be so, but it need not be. Furthermore, the fact is that many of the images on the super tuned people that you see in social media and in magazines are taken over a period of strict diet, often before a competition or an important photo shoot. What I am saying is that we all have different conditions, both physical and time to devote to our training. It's not the boxes that is important but the attitude to one's own body, to the food and that a healthy lifestyle goodlife fitness is something that not only lasts until the next bathing season without a lifetime.
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and how many guys wear at the gym? girls have fat all over your body. male collects the fat on your stomach. it is unnatural muscles to train up, looks strange. sooner got pasture stint hands that churned butter very strong arms which hardly made them happier? Butter was one of Sweden's goodlife fitness biggest export products disposable time ... it's actually white-yellow color.
Agree with you completely. I work as a PT and fitness coach and myself have thought about this a long time. I think that the standard for how a fit girl looks abnormal. Not even the elite of our sports walks around with magrutor goodlife fitness year. The desire goodlife fitness to train to go for body ideals, I think.
I do not agree that one of those "kroppsbyggar-body" is the new ideal. I do not think it is particularly attractive. Sure, I like a healthy and fit female body but it will definitely have a healthy amount of body fat (in the right places).
So well written, Petra. goodlife fitness A much needed and important point in the training world! Do not least because it is good that you are pointing at the attitude to his own body, exercise, grubs and all. Somewhere you can feel how good and bad anywhere, but it's usually quite independent of what you weigh. What I mean is that it basically still all about the attitude you have and how strong sense one has of being happy with yourself just as you are, no matter your body shape and size. To enjoy themselves regardless, and perhaps rather focus on what your body can and do, rather than how it looks.
The disease is that it is so normal that men assume the right to "encourage" training, chokladätning, dieting, surgery, make-up, hair color or another with the argument "I think it-and-it looks best." Almost as sick is that many submit to the power and goes in to change themselves.
Good to hear your input! It's so easy to feel dissatisfied goodlife fitness with their body when you see the "ideal" all the time. And this new that it should be so simple, 10 minutes a day and you have a good body at 5 weeks. But it is not that just 10 minutes, I have tried and tired pretty quickly. Think it's sooo boring with strength training. goodlife fitness I'm happy if I get to it once a week.
I agree with basically everything you write in the article Petra. But is not it also a bit sloppy in terms of writing "The goodlife fitness new female body ideal is composed of squares on the stomach and well-trimmed arms."? I mean, who has ruled it? Sure, maybe at the moment, a tr
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