EVALUATION CRITERIA Criterion Task Ball 1 Ball 2 Ball 3% B1% B2% B3 Motor Development my fitness pal 1. Walking on tiptoe 13 1 7 62 5 33 2. Running after the ball 1 2 18 5 10 86 3. Jump place 8 9 4 38 43 19 4. Walking on a staircase with steps 5 0 0 21 0 0 100 5. Jumping my fitness pal from high to low 2 3 16 10 14 76 6. Walking back 7 7 7 33 33 33 7. Standing on one leg - "Stork" 5 7 9 24 33 43 8. Jumping on the left and right leg 16 3 2 76 14 10 9. Cross the rope to a height of 20 cm 7 3 11 33 14 52 Language Development 10. Indicates objects that we use to get clean. 4 14 3 19 67 14 11. Naming and shaming the subject of the picture "Merry carousel" 3 8 10 14 38 48 12. What are you playing at home? 18 1 2 86 5 10 13. Tell us what you see in this picture? 18 2 1 86 10 5 14. Who treated when sick / ill? 15 5 1 71 24 5 15. Repeats the quatrain 16 5 0 76 24 0 16. Describe toy 20 1 0 95 5 0 17. Description of the object 20 0 0 100 0 0 18. Constitute the entire sentence and correct word order 17 2 2 81 10 10 Personal - Social Development 19. Boots, 3 12 6 14 57 29 20. Take off your clothes 7 11 3 33 52 14 21. Eating 3 8 10 14 38 48 22. Games with peers 7 6 8 33 29 38 23. Games with adults 3 6 12 14 29 57 24. Giving personal toy 1 12 8 5 57 38 25. Reported physiological needs 2 2 17 10 10 81 26. Perform independent orders 0 13 8 0 62 38 27. Shows effects of resistance - stubbornness, negativism 1 12 8 5 57 38 28 Cognitive operations. Synthesis my fitness pal of all of its parts. 9 8 4 43 38 19 29. Analysis of the part in the whole. 7 11 3 33 52 14 30. Arrange a series of three pictures 11 5 4 55 25 20 31. Recognition picture 11 9 1 52 43 5 32. 1 describes the action depicted in picture 1 6 4 11 29 19 52 33. 2 describes the actions depicted in picture 1 6 9 5 30 45 25 34. Spontaneous scratching pencil / doodles / unregulated lines. 5 5 11 24 24 52 35. Painted curve loop. 5 13 3 24 62 14 36. Paint the model horizontal and vertical line. 4 11 5 20 55 25
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