BLACK AND WHITE Locked to the cliches darkroom we become crippled. Between white and black color extends indefinable we going from one to the other like a lazy bumblebee. We do not know to distinguish sometimes two totally different colors. Spread like tentacles amoeba like an oil slick sticky and erase the exact boundaries separating black from white. Some bodies spread on the dirty and wallow in the mud with their hands full of dirty about it and eyes filled with blood and dirt are thrown fields full of snow. The cry and the word. Poems. Publisher Michael Arimany. Barcelona 1973
The strange thing is my body like a sea of ash where the mirrors flinch hands shaded. 6 weidera I cook and trampolines m'enceten eyelids 6 weidera sex and spirit of my shoulders archaic. Miralleig is like a moss-July under the act of vandalism swordfish, this came from my body and go to the cave and be a mirage only sex education when I cuts the time of sunset and is a vacuum where only flows that constantly think tomorrow 6 weidera will one day ant and the candle will not be more than a memory 6 weidera in a treaty of yoga. No more gesture gesture of copper tub where I hang my eyes and looks at contranit. This is my body like a strange lime pit where the burning pain of sore lives thinking. You have to draw the nerve m'engrapa the neck and shake it like a scourge in the eleven. Jorn is the length that paints a banner that does not return to the ship. It can not be a star one glass despite your desire to suck a quasi boundary of space. There is a constant reference where everything is illusion and that is when the body descends to the north and is one of many omens of rain and a desire esgarrinx 6 weidera kernels and phrases in your eyes and hands and sex and the root hair tenderly linked with fury centaur verb to name even a sprinkling of edges in my body and the world. Double Bottom. The Granada, 1977
RESEARCH dawns There are so many old things that we record covers. The flight diverted from shipwrecks in search of sunrise image precipitates slowly sculpted the anguish walk under the plane trees so pale: clouds sentenced to perch
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