Sunday, June 29, 2014

Screenshot_2014-05-22-10-54-14.png insanity workout calendar 118.6 KB Number 1 downloads android_to

We are a community dedicated to Android and everything around it. If you are looking to get the most out of your device to customize, add features, or simply to have your questions answered.
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I have to present my first android insanity workout calendar app! I would also like to know how to make it known because it has been very little downloaded insanity workout calendar (I just forced two friends download ^ ^) The free version: The Paid version: Here is the description of the paid version: insanity workout calendar Welcome to Custom Ball Breaker HD! This game looks like a traditional brick breaking apart that you can modify it at will; can for example choose: generate-or according to his own desires the land on which we will play, the number of balls and their lives-if we want to move the bar by touching the screen or by tilting the phone-which bonus may occur and the likelihood that they appear Unlike most applications, this game requires no authorization; it has NO PUB and offers NO MICRO-TRANSACTION! So if you also think that these principles are essential, please support us by paying the application. How to Play: The goal is to destroy all the bricks with the ball. To prevent them from leaving the screen, you need to move the bar to bounce up. To guess the direction of the bounce of the ball, look at the little lines that connect the ball under the bar and the top of the bar. The ball will follow the direction of the line when it rebounds. Balls disappear if the number of lives is negative. Mode "finger" to move the bar to the left, touch the left half of the screen and vice versa. Tilt mode, just slightly tilt your device to the side you want to move the bar. The mission mode saves records in maximum points and minimum time. Levels insanity workout calendar 0 and 99 are different randomly generated insanity workout calendar levels. Try to win all levels (from 1 to 20 inclusive) to unlock the bonus level (21). The custom game mode allows you to choose the percentage chance of occurrence of each bonus by destroying the bricks. Uncheck a box is putting insanity workout calendar the percentage to zero. For level 0 (it is random), it is possible to choose approximately the number of bricks created (if the percentage is 0, there will be no brick while if the percentage is 100, all of the upper screen will be filled with bricks). List of bonus-Increase Barre (<->): Increases the size of the bar 50% (not to exceed half of the screen) Shrink-Barre (> - <): Decreases the size of the bar 40% (without becoming too small either)-Increase Balls (O) increases the size of all the balls-Shrink Balls ( ): reduces the size of all bales Exploding Ball ((X)): explodes in a ball destroying all the bricks around (and removing one life at a ball); if no more than a ball with 0 life, it will not be destroyed (so you do not risk the GAME OVER ^ ^)-Speed Balls (->): increases the speed of all balls - Balls slow (<-) decreases the rate of all balls-Ray Laser (| _ |) bar draws a large radius (after 3s) whose center is the small ball under the bar; all affected bricks lose a life-Changer rebound h (~> ~): the little ball moves horizontally below-Changer rebound v (~ ^ ~): the small ball moves vertically below New Ball (+ o) : shows an extra ball with 1 life-Multiply Balls (ox2): all balls having at least one life-split Increase lives Balls (0 + +) adds life to all bales Decrease insanity workout calendar lives Balls (0 - -): removes a life all the balls that have at least one life-Balls Reset (reset): resets all the features of the balls to their original insanity workout calendar state and teleports on the same line at the bottom of the screen-Ball thru ( XX): allows a ball during 7s through all the bricks destroying-Javelin (_ | _): The bar draws a radius end (after 3s) whose center is the small ball; all affected bricks are destroyed
Screenshot_2014-05-22-10-54-14.png insanity workout calendar 118.6 KB Number 1 downloads android_tous_lvls_nombres_1080.png 912.8 KB Number 1 downloads ball_breacker_image_600_1024.png 32.18 KB 1 Number of downloads
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