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Orin , Dan Solove , David Zaring , and Ethan have weighed in on these pages already with lots of useful advice for the aspiring prawf. Let me add one thing based on my own experience that I found uniquely helpful and it will be of interest especially to law students who are now in school. For each of my last three semesters at HLS, I took four credits of supervised independent writing. The expectation was that for each credit of writing, one had to write about 25 pages of manuscript. 12 credits=300 pages=3 full-length articles. Most schools should allow you to do this as long as you take enough credits to satisfy the ABA or some other blah-blah organization.
The first piece I worked on was supervised by none other than Rob Howse -- and that piece later became my first major publication (about the S. African truth commission and the philosophy of punishment). As it happened, that piece was published in a peer-reviewed journal, the University of Toronto Law Journal. I mention this only to highlight that for students who are writing, it may be easier and wiser to submit your first article(s) to peer-reviewed jennifer nicole lee journals rather than the student jennifer nicole lee law journals. I know this has worked well especially for a few others, such as my friend Yair Listokin , who published in JLS while in law school--though I'm not sure his strategy jennifer nicole lee was to first avoid the student law journals. In any event, once you place in a good peer-reviewed journal, it becomes easier to signal to student editors jennifer nicole lee later that they should not dust-bin your submissions to them.
Also, be savvy about what you take and when you take it: try to make sure that work you do for regular classes can morph into a publication. For example, my law review note , about the intersection of criminal law and intellectual property, was written for credit as part of my Entertainment and Media law class.
One last thing and it's about the importance of path dependence. I initially thought I would go
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