Thursday, June 12, 2014

Each member must: be eighteen years or older can sing to a satisfactory standard, as judged by the

2. Objectives To promote Welsh choral singing and choral singing standards Help members to study, rehearse sadhana and perform choral works activities that nurture diverse talent within sadhana the choir activities that promote Welshness in Swansea and District Support charitable sadhana activity
Each member must: be eighteen years or older can sing to a satisfactory standard, as judged by the leader is willing to accept guidance sadhana sung by the leader will be good practice m aintain rhagwrandawiad sadhana
The money received, sadhana a membership fee, and fees received for performing additional money raised through various ways, eg raffle (see below) or social events, to promote the objectives set out above.
The choir funds are not used for other purposes, eg gifts to the conductor / accompanist or other members. Such donations are paid for by individual members of the choir, as they choose. All raffle proceeds are earmarked last month for social purposes (see policy below) but refunded money from it at the end of the financial sadhana year to fund the main choir as determined by the committee.
8. Exercises The choir rehearses once a week, on Wednesday, beginning promptly at 7:30 o'clock in the evening or a time specified by the leader. Additional exercises are arranged as required at the request of the leader. Members sadhana must attend rehearsals. If a member is unable to attend practice must notify sadhana the representative voice and / or the leader. A member who has lost three consecutive exercise or have attended less than two-thirds of the full choir rehearsals take part in a performance without the permission of the committee, which will consult with the leader or as determined by the leader. A member must notify the leader if he can not sing in concert. After setting a date concert, good practice is that members are given priority.
9. Concerts expected support and commitment of the members at concerts. Applications should be submitted via the Organizer for concerts Concerts. Leader's responsibility is to organize the program. Members are expected to wear the official uniform of the choir at concerts, or wear as determined by the Leader.
The Committee will have the following powers: To meet periodically as necessary to discuss sadhana any matters arising in the administration of the chorus or choir affecting in any way. Appointment sadhana of sub-committees to operate under the supervision of the committee. Co-opt other members of the choir to be members of the Committee for specific purposes as required. sadhana To deal with any member who has acted in a manner not acceptable by a choir. Directing the choir secretary to call an Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings. Search and appoint suitable candidates sadhana to the post of Leader of the Choir, Accompanist and necessary. Must have 5 members to form a quorum.
11. The Annual sadhana General Meeting All members who have paid membership are entitled to attend the Meeting. The AGM will be held before mid-July Must give two weeks' notice of the meeting to all members. The entire meeting will be presided by the Chairman. Nominations have been seconded for offices on the Committee through the Secretary or another member of the Committee sadhana prior to the meeting. Nominations are seconded orally or in writing during the meeting. 30% of the members of the quorum for the Annual General Meeting. Voting shall be by show of hands or by secret ballot if a majority of those present would like these. sadhana Officers of the choir and committee officers elected at this meeting. If a vote is tied, the Chairman shall have a casting vote. The accounts of the Cor drafted to April 5, and inspected by a competent person and submitted for approval at the Meeting.
13. No member to participate in any discussion or official meeting or use property choir unless he / she has paid the membership fee for the current year and any other money owed. 14. Expected that each member of the choir for being absent for an extended period or who want to finish the choir return any property belonging to the choir.
15. Postponement or Cancellation The choir will continue from year to year unless the Special General Meeting called by the constitution, where a proposal to eliminate or postpone the choir was passed by 75% of the membership. sadhana Written proxy votes received. If there are assets remaining after the payment of any debts choir and should not be distributed among the members of the choir. sadhana Should rather be given to the organization / s another sadhana / others with similar objectives or to a charity / ies elected by the membership of the choir. You will need a receipt from any organization / charity receiving sadhana a donation sadhana in this way. A must for any member who wishes to propose a change to the rules here do so in writing to the Secretary at least one month before the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting. Unless 75% of the membership of the choir were present and there

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