Tuesday, February 3, 2015

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Part of the equipment that served the former gym Gil for the performance of the motor activity of the students of the institute near Cesare Battisti, were delivered, on Tuesday morning, the school by the mayor Federico Piccitto. The manager Beatrice Lauretta thanked the City for the timely allocation. In recent weeks, in fact, the principal had raised the issue of lack of equipment, given that the gym was delivered to the school at the end of December anaerobic and the plant has been operational since January 7th. Now the gym has a network minivolley, stop watches, pins, cones, baskets door footballs, basketballs and footballs volleyball, obstacles anaerobic and circles. Missing, however, still, the signaling of the playing field (with the relevant tapes). "This is your sport, treasure anaerobic it and keep it always in order so you can make the best use," said the mayor, for students of the school Battisti during anaerobic the ceremony of delivery of the equipment. And in fact the problem of the housing optimal anaerobic implant is placed by the executive.
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