Saturday, February 28, 2015

Finally, yoga poses in my humble opinion functional training has all the credentials yoga poses to

The passion for training, and the great curiosity led me to try to understand the reasons for the technical / physiological who were behind the workouts that I were made to run from my various instructors, coaches, teachers.
I tried training methods that were to lead to an actual improvement in performance in the race in the discipline above, so as to benefit from it in the first person, and then be able to transfer everything to my athletes.
After following the classic courses of weight training where I learned methods of Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Cardiofitness etc etc, I tried to adapt the knowledge gained to the needs of a karateka. yoga poses
Lately, he does a lot of confusion about what is functional or not, in my opinion what determines whether a given year is functional or not, is not the exercise itself but the initial request.
Let me explain, a classic movement yoga poses Jump, could be shown and then specific / functional yoga poses for a volleyball player but not a chess player (who surely would not hurt to do some jump).
The functional training through the use of kettlebells, yoga poses Loop Bands, yoga poses Balls Medical, TRX, the newest FluiBall, but also barbell and dumbbells, allows the design / structuring of training programs "request / specific".
This phase will be characterized by low loads and high reps not go to failure to allow your muscles and tendons a gradual recovery and prepare them for the next hard work.
Regarding the athletic work you can use a periodization of type "A Pendulum", which allows to train more quality in a single cycle, not doing too much time pass between a quality coached and the other, with cyclic alternation of the quality muscle.
Because the training sessions we should devote much time to exercise real gestures of race we maximize the time granted to the physical preparation itself, always using a periodization "Pendulum", or perhaps a method "conjugate".
The Kettlebell for strength, endurance and explosiveness. The TRX for strength, core stability and coordination. The Fluiball for coordination and stability of the core. The barbells and dumbbells for strength and coordination. The list would be very long.
In my humble opinion, a great attention should be paid in the exercises for strength and stabilization of the Core, pin, CORE better balance of forces expressed by the upper and lower limbs, a real "conductor". An example of a table for a training session could be the following, keeping in mind that it is only a general proposal and that there are a lot of combinations.
In this example of tab after starting with warm-up exercises (very important and often overlooked), I inserted a progression in Full-Body to a conditioning and strengthening general, performed yoga poses in the circuit to go also to affect the cardiovascular performance.
Finally, yoga poses in my humble opinion functional training has all the credentials yoga poses to be used in the preparation of combat sports. His strengths are: The variety of instruments available: Rope, Trx, Dumbbells, Barbells, Kettlebells, Fluiball, yoga poses LoopBands, yoga poses Box, Step, rails, etc etc. The possibility of causing less of machinery and / or bulky tools. yoga poses The possibility of giving the "homework" to athletes because they can exploit their body as overload. The feature of Functional able to adapt to the objectives. And to finish the feature that impressed me personally more, that is the great importance it gives philosophy to work for the Functional Core is the priority in the execution perfect movements. We can argue for years about which method, exercise, or type of sport is better than another, everyone has his own ideas ..........
Best Trainer News Type of training for those over 50 February yoga poses 28 2015 ATHLETIC yoga poses CONDITIONING IN FUNCTIONAL MUAY THAI Functional training nell'MMA FUNCTIONAL TRAINING LINFA ESSENTIAL FOR A runner - PART II February 27, 2015
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