Friday, February 27, 2015

Behind every great triathlete is a partner understanding and support! Involve your wife / girlfrien

You are here: Home> How to start a workout plan and not let go! How to start a workout plan and not let go! Posted on September 28, 2014 by José in Triathlon Training, Tips
As amateur triathletes, we can not afford bodybugg to train whenever we want, then we are left to try to "put" our workouts among other many activities of our lives. The real challenge comes when it comes to combining a professional career intense and maybe even take care of a family while you try to get the time for quality training. I present here some ideas of how to make the training effective without penalizing work, family, friends, bodybugg etc.
If you live relatively close to your place of work, planning within your training program a way to work by bike. Every day you can focus on a different aspect bodybugg of the preparation, be sure to have just enough time to get to work, wash and change you for the day. If the route is sufficiently content can prepare bodybugg a double mixed training: go by bike to work in the morning by choosing a longer path and come home in the evening running (the next day invert the order in order to bring home the bike ). Eat breakfast in the workplace, and avoid distractions such as reading the newspaper or check your email before you leave home.
T he most triathletes bodybugg is cheaper to train early in the morning rather than the evening. There are so many potential distractions in the evening bodybugg you may have to skip the workout often. The same goes for the weekend: a nap in the afternoon if you need it but tries to wake you up early in the morning to train. You'll feel better knowing that it has completed the training and have the rest of the day "free" for other activities.
It is a good time slot to make a quick workout, then consume your meal in the office later. If the place where the work does not have showers, that is, you can always bodybugg resort to the "wet wipes" to wash, even if such a solution is debatable!
You can do a session of bike on rollers and share your favorite TV shows of your children, or if you are smaller, bodybugg you can get a jogging stroller and take them with you as you run!
Behind every great triathlete is a partner understanding and support! Involve your wife / girlfriend or husband / boyfriend whenever possible. One idea would be to go swimming one evening and be followed by a romantic dinner, or maybe do / to follow you as you ride a bicycle. The important thing is to keep it involved, it's your first fan, your biggest bodybugg fan and sponsor!
One thing is certain, a bouquet of fresh flowers and freshly baked croissants taken home after the long weekend ride add a little 'of "pepper" to the rest of the weekend!
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