Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The trap of failure: when the fear of not making it paralyzes us 2015-01-28T14: 28: 29 + 00: 00 The

Often, in the gym, you focus on the program 's initial training but then neglects those periodic controls that allow you to monitor developments, improvements and achieving or not the targets. These controls allow you to work on the training program, modifying and renewing it, in order to adapt to the new conditions of the form that far achieved. Why is it important periodize training and change yoga to the people the program at least once a month? The reasons are varied, but here we will discuss the most 'important, adaptation. The human body, like other living organisms, responds to stress with a biological adaptation aimed at increasing the performance, so that, in future, the same stimulus can be addressed "automatically". The body subjected to a stressful stimulus yoga to the people responds opposing it within certain limits, which is not exceeded more 'can implement adaptive processes but degenerative. The training is nothing more that undergo in a voluntary manner and controlled to a stimulus that puts under stess stimulating the body, through the processes of adaptation, an increase in performance. To achieve satisfactory results is also necessary to include in the process of adaptation proper nutrition and functional recovery. Leaving aside the discussion on nutrition focus our attention on the recovery. The body, which has as its priority the restoration of conditions prior to training, after finishing the recovery phase will strive to increase their energy levels and strengthen its structures altered by the stimulus in order to better address new stimulus of the same entity. In the event that the recovery is not adequate to the stimulus there may be a serious risk of stumbling in the overtraining syndrome (eg the athlete who fails to perform the same exercise with the same loads the day before). So to get many results in your workout is important to plan with your instructor a workout plan that provides constant yoga to the people variations in volume and intensity and variations yoga to the people of monthly programs yoga to the people combined with a proper recovery and a proper diet.
377 New site online 2014-10-11T11: 33: 08 + 00: 00 279 The periodization. 2015-01-23T12: 58: 08 + 00: 00 250 Health is in the pot and in the movement 2015-01-21T12: 03: 17 + 00: 00 244 Speed up your metabolism 2015-01-11T17: 25: 58 + 00 : 00 151 The trap of failure: when the fear of not making it paralyzes yoga to the people us 2015-01-28T14: yoga to the people 28: 29 + 00: 00
07:00 to 22:30 Monday / Wednesday / Friday
The trap of failure: when the fear of not making it paralyzes us 2015-01-28T14: 28: 29 + 00: 00 The periodization. 2015-01-23T12: 58: 08 + 00: 00 Health is in the pot and in the movement 2015-01-21T12: 03: 17 + 00: 00 Speed up your metabolism 2015-01-11T17: 25: 58 + 00: 00 New website online 2014-10-11T11: 33: 08 + 00: 00

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