Sunday, February 22, 2015

Normal Normal shelf shelf is done with both arms and both feet on the floor. Take first place in th

5 Shelf variations vac for a strong core | Sixpack abs
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5 Shelf variations for a strong core
One of the best exercises vac for abs and core of the body planks. When the shelf exercises the body is held stationary while the middle of the body would like to the floor. In order to avoid this, many muscles tensioned in the body. You fight hereby with the force of gravity in order to stabilize the body. The plank exercises make extensive use of the abdominal and other core muscles. The straight abdominal muscle, obliques and lower back have to work hard together to keep the body from the ground. The longer you can hold the stronger the core of the body is it. Which plank exercises are there?
The normal plank exercise is known to many people. It is an easy exercise that as time progresses vac is becoming easier. There are a number of variations on the normal shelf exercises that make the board more difficult. These are done as normal plank is too easy. 5 Shelf variations:
Normal Normal shelf shelf is done with both arms and both feet on the floor. Take first place in the push-up position. vac Pocket then through the arms which rest the forearms on the floor. The body then leans on the forearms and toes. The position of the feet does not matter much. They may be at shoulder width, or touch each other. This is the basic position of the shelf. The body is parallel to the floor. The goal is to keep the body as long as possible to be held in this position by not letting the belly towards the ground. The straight abdominal muscle, obliques and lower back work together to keep the body from the ground.
Side Plank The side plank is done while lying on the side of the body. The body is leaning on the side of the foot and on one forearm. The forearm where the body is leaning on points away from the body. The forearm is then perpendicular to the body. The foot is not used on the other foot, and the arm is not used on the side of the body. This exercise is much sought by the obliques and the straight abdominal muscle. The goal is to keep the body as long as possible to be held in this position by the hip as not to leave the direction of the ground.
Plank on an exercise ball, the shelf on an exercise ball operates in the same way as the normal shelf. Both forearms and feet are used to lean on. The only difference is that the forearms resting on an exercise ball. This makes the exercise more difficult because the body stabilize more.
Single arm plank The single arm shelf does not differ much from the normal shelf. However, this exercise is difficult because one arm is put forward. The body is balanced on one arm and both feet in this exercise.
One arm, one leg shelf The one arm one leg shelf does not differ much from the normal shelf. This exercise, however, is much more difficult in that one arm is protruded and the opposite leg being held in the air. This makes it more difficult to keep the body steady at the same position. The body leans in this exercise only on one arm and the opposite foot.
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