I went down the hill by estradiña destined for yoga class when I crossed on the way a squirrel; stopped the car to see it up close and check that touted agility that characterizes; the partner, partner or buddy also encouraged to cross given that there was no danger: olleino climb two meters from me and stopped aif on top of a wall to return me to look and contemplate allowing comfortable. After continued his career acacia up and lost among the branches leaving aif a Calorina inside me put a smile on the lips of most parvelo. They'd just add a day a mystery special. Why I felt so well after this episode? A yoga session was not smooth for me because I was very tired; Therefore, they did nothing but declines the final relaxation to soothe aches detected aif by various physio. Anyway. Wait until the sweet as champions for this look. Finally came the transfers and B gave what he wanted; the best, no doubt, is to know that we live in a place selected by us, not the product of chance; also that ended the tension of recent summers, pending listings and commissions services wild. And more things that are not the point. Now B is the divided heart: enthusiasm for what is to come and sadness for what it leaves behind. So is life.
I find F, the promoter of the room writing how bad inauguration; assure me that I will not ipso and summon me for Thursday of next week to have test Theatre Thursday and Friday she and other rural women. Unintentionally, I * analyzing their linguistic abilities in galician and Spanish, and my professional deformation leads me to draw a few conclusions. From first job or second, aif because the theme is treated for her seriously; to verify that I use the first, is dragged to pass it. Women with basic training, agreed gradually to poetry -a literature in general, identified as a cultural language Spanish, expressed aif it seriously, measuring the words, sometimes even looking for them clearly in its dictionary brain; I am sure you typed correctly. However, its galician is much more fluid, spontaneous, without hesitation and direct; did not perceive any discomfort by using me. Nor doubt that you do not know to write. Their oral language skills are like night and day in a language and in another; written well, but reversed. And so, as if nothing had changed in twenty-odd years, people of a certain age continues to use two languages for different functions: A tongue-considered the most cultured and prestixiosa- to talk to people considered educated subjects considered serious; language B -percibida as not educated and lacking in prestixio- to talk everyday, and only in very specific cases coma or present an appointment within a week. The famous diglosia this body once again. * Yes, Cesare, was right: aif all constantly reviewed.
A word that does not support it, I attack the nerves, which is one of the most deplorable I know that, in the circumstances be other, there would be many years he did not direct the word. But supposed to be a civilized woman. I would scream loudly when screams, explain with semicolons by failing in embarking on that people do not act like she wants, why I will not set foot in their home. But supposed to be a civilized woman. I would not set foot back in their home, not having to see your face again, no never stop insults disguised as random, not watch the painful spectacle of what you are doing with your children. But supposed to be a civilized woman.
Yesterday we take up Telucro Cesare and we would visit the band most bustling family. The breakthrough time Collen after a surprise last night by water under the eaves of buildings and the races with his ears treitos.Volvo crowded watercress (children and not so much), aif abouxadores barking dog and indescribable chaos, half arrombados we put in the corner foot in our house. Some projects aif Cesare call attention, aif but has not yet had wandered to dwell on them with the necessary directions; the more likely it is that others do not even stop me. His overwork and gets atafegarme rífolle slightly aif entangled in such drivel without sifting through enough; I have the consolation that at least the body rested here for a few hours. Satisfy my curiosity answering questions about people he knows more closely; rarely surprise me the data supplied from coffee liqueur (el) and red wine (I), although today I'm not so sure. Now I too have touched remoer.
This is how to navigate through a sea stormy cones whose most treacherous know English. Áchome clumsy in the extreme and ask potatoes; there came the first spoonful of Teki (half with MH), the second of Akin, third Paco Penas and penultimate
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