News Gifts Ovechkin and Dadonovu handed players
"I'm on hockey again, the first was in the last season, reduce when the" Donbass "appeared in VHL. Somehow does not work - family, children ... often schedule" Donbass "coincides with our calendar. Thinking early in the season, To get tickets, but if you buy, you have to attend the game to these places were empty. Eugene Seleznev That took, and so the circumstances that it is not often the case in Donetsk. But we often take subscriptions from each other. My impressions ? Hockey - a great game, fast and dynamic. I'm so glad that so many people come here, "- said Pyatov after receiving gifts.
Unlike Andrew, reduce Thomas and Razvan on hockey - frequent visitors. This season, they are not only almost reduce every game, but as true fans come to games "Donbass" in hokeykah Donetsk club. In addition, Hyubshman long friends with the Czechs and Slovaks "Donbass" and already had pereznayomyty hockey players with a significant part of the "Miner".
"Lion" is flying to Donetsk Hockey HC "Donbass" otblahodaryl reduce "Slovan" in support of Hockey Plэtt not osuzhdaem Hockey Kovalchuk Kovalchuk yzbezhal morethan sereznoy dyskvalyfykatsyy for Draco. Video Hockey KHL Upravlyayuschyy director: We predostavyly Guarantee Security to "Leo" Hockey
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Berynchyk: We zhdet Heavy vыezd Moscow Kuznetsova in the USA hvataet parents, wife's dog and a favorite reduce "Barcelona" operedyla "Dynamo" and signed Halylovycha Svyderskyy: On the Dnieper - 50 to 50 in Kharkiv pobedyat guests "Lion" is flying to Donetsk Jap Assad vыyhrala korotkuyu programs on FM in Catania fyhurnomu HC "Donbass" otblahodaryl "Slovan" for support
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