Thursday, April 2, 2015

2. Dynamic Effort Method (Dynamic Effort) Here the goal is to work the variant speed and explosion,

Westside - Strength training | BAR METROSEXUAL
The WestSide is one of the training schools best known force in the world, Louie Simmons, owner of WestSide, created a method that proved pull up quite effective in trials of strength, especially in the squat. pull up He called this "combined method" method, as through micro-cycles seeking to combine three aspects: Strength, speed and hypertrophy (explosion), but these valences are trained in the same cycle, concurrently.
1. Effort Method Maximum (Maximal Effort) This is the strength training, adapting the body to overcome maximum pull up loads and sub-maximal, it is working with low reps (1-4) with 85% to 100% load. The pillows are longer, so that the body is fully recovered from the previous overload (up to 5 minutes). pull up
2. Dynamic Effort Method (Dynamic Effort) Here the goal is to work the variant speed and explosion, with 60% of its Rep. Max movement runs the most explosive way in the concentric phase with 3-5 repetitions. Current and elastics are extensively used in this method.
Repeated Effort 3-Method (Repeated Effort) is the old method of hypertrophy, here also uses sub-maximal loads, the rep range is from 6 to 10, performed until close to failure. This method westside is to make repetitions to muscle failure using sub-maximal loads.
Since I am not yet competitive, and for example my goals are far from being just hypertrophy and etc, I evaluate my physical form as a whole and be good about myself, then it is not combined training, but specific, specific to strength, specific to hypertrophy and specific for resistance. I believe therefore be better especially for hypertrophy. So in my strength training use only the first two methods aside a little hypertrophy.
The following routine incorporates many of the concepts pull up popularized by lifters as Paul Anderson, Doug Hepburn and John Grimek. The body is divided into practice in a half day, and the other half of the next day, resting on the third day, and the cycle repeated on days 4 and 5, but with different exercises.
Routine 3 Upper Body Incline - 6 1 (2min) Development Standing - 6 x 3 (2 min) Curl - 5 x 5 (1min) French - Triceps in Testa - 5 x 5 (1min)
Small adjustment mine. Routine 1 Upper Body of bench press - 3 x 1 (2min), 5 x 5 (1min) Bar - 5 x 5 (2min), 2 x 2 (2min) Curl - 8 x 3 (2 min) supinated - 6 x 1 (2min) * Routine 2 Bottom of Squat Body - 3 x 1 (2 min) Leg Press 45 - 5 x 5 (2min) Survey Earth - 8 X 2 (2min) Abdominal weight - 5 x 8 (1 min ) Infra vertical - 6 6 (1min) * Routine 3 Top Body Incline - 4 1 (2min) Parallel - 4 4 (1 min) Development Standing - 6 x 3 (2 min) Thread pull up alternately 5 x 5 (1min) Triceps in Testa - 5 x 5 (1min) * Routine 4 Lower Body Part Jumping rope - 5min Squats - 5 x 5 (2min) I sink (last) - 8 x 2 (2min) stiff - 15.12 , 10,8,6 (2min) in oblique pulley - 5 10 (1min)
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