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Hey hey! This week in the Monday Mailbag I give my take on a great first class at the Kondi Studio , how my Kondi Method ddp yoga came to be, my favorite videos on KondiCallanetics.com . Check it out! Question #1
Great question. I’ve been asked this a few times and I always seem to suggest Combo. Its exactly what it sounds like, a combination of everything. You’ve got some Callanetics, some TRX, and a bit of cardio. In my opinion it is the best intro to The Kondi Fitness ddp yoga Method.
Thank you so much. When I first found and fell in love with Callanetics ddp yoga I was already certified in Pilates and strength training. I knew Callanetics was something special and because it was not as well known I knew I wanted to help bring it back the mainstream. On the other hand, I also knew the many benefits that Pilates and strength training offered so I infused them into my Callanetics and the Kondi Mehod was born!
Great question! Indeed I do. All my videos are designed around what I did and continue to do myself as far as at home routines. Almost everyday I do my Stretch Series video in the morning and at night while I watch a bit of TV I usually do one of my Ab Sculpters or Long Lean Legs!
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