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The wood-processing centers insanity calendar to round up the wood processing chain where the market offering semi-or, better yet, the final products. Should be placed as close to the raw and focused on creating the highest possible added value.
When you talk about the competitiveness of Slovenian wood industry, Rupert Gole, architect and director of Esplanada, saying that Slovenia would actually only be set back to what it already had - logically placed insanity calendar wood processing centers in areas rich in timber. Such centers should be of adequate size and should contain as many articles of wood-processing chain, as each subsequent article brings an increase in value added per cubic meter of timber harvested. Centers near the raw mission of these centers the recipient sees in wood processing in the cost-effective logistics radius, which would also mean lower transport costs and the burden on the environment. In addition, the wood in the wood-based regional centers created as a byproduct of wood waste that would be energy source for the production of heat and electricity. By Product-by-step what could contain such a center? It all starts with the logistics of receiving and sorting of logs and less valuable wood, which ends up as biomass energy source, Gole explains. The next step, lupilnica logs and saw where the first processing has acquired added value. The board has already insanity calendar semi-finished product, which is, of course, be in immediate sale, the following article in the wood processing chain, such as the dryer, which requires heat. This gives the following article which is or biomass boiler insanity calendar or CHP device that waste heat from the electricity insanity calendar production is supplied drying insanity calendar planks and wood waste intended for the production of energy (wood chips, pellets). From such a center would also come to the semi-finished products - furniture, or, say, a wooden house. Up to 30 thousand jobs in professional circles appears the fact that every 100 cubic meters of processed wood through the wood processing chain can create one job. The total potential in Slovenia may therefore be between insanity calendar 20 thousand to 30 thousand insanity calendar jobs, the interpretation of the recipient. Is very important for the development of new technologies that is based on wood. Here are the jobs with the highest added value. An excellent opportunity to increase the value added cubic meter of wood, the design. With modern communication technology is a good idea so quickly on the world market. Wood should be a strategic sector for the establishment and financing of the operation of these centers is a very important direction of state policy in this area. If the wood has become our strategic industries such as tourism, then this should be followed by individual actions. One of them is undoubtedly already adopted an Action Plan Wood is beautiful. This should be followed by measures to provide financial subsidies to primary and secondary processing of wood. Activities on the ground for the establishment insanity calendar of such centers can take different actors. insanity calendar It may be private companies, public-private partnerships, public companies, or even the local community. The municipality Sentrupert, for example, set up a company that JVs and bracket Sentrupert wood processing insanity calendar center, which has a final building permit. We learn from the Austrians on the wood processing centers may be able to learn more from our northern neighbors Austria. Their organization woodworking field or forestry-wood chain is indeed exemplary, according to a spokesman. The number of jobs in Austria in this area is constantly growing, while in Slovenia is still in decline. In Austria, a lot of money invested in the development, and jobs in their wood-processing industry is very effective. Rationalization is looking insanity calendar for modern technological equipment insanity calendar and lowering transport costs, and the organization as major articles of wood processing in the same place is the logical consequence. Wooden building inexorably makes Rupert Gole explains that fewer and fewer subscribers who have doubts about the wooden building. Much has already built prefabricated wood buildings and potential clients can view them and satisfy themselves that it is a excellent facilities insanity calendar with an excellent seating comfort. "I am delighted that an increasing proportion of wooden prefabricated building in the public insanity calendar sector. insanity calendar Particularly in the area of kindergartens insanity calendar find a lot of quality solutions. It began on the construction of homes for the elderly. Accordingly, there is only a stable and quality supply of semi-finished products from domestic wood processing centers, "he says Gole.
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